
Member since 11/01/2010

Name: Claudio Bonifazi


Location: Italy


Web development & design in Milan.

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claudiowebdesign's Recent SnippetsTagged php

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This is a little PHP class that permits to start quickly the creation of a webpage. When you declare an instance of the class it automatically starts the output buffering and gzip compression, it outputs all the proper tags (doctype, meta, stylesh...
0 574 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
That's something quick. A basic php class to manage properly a database. Thanks to magic methods opening a database is almost automatic.
1 865 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
Questa piccola funzione riceve come argomento uno unix timestamp e ritorna una stringa contenente la "descrizione verbosa" della differenza di tempo. Ad esempio, usando il timestamp relativo a 5 minuti e mezzo fa, ritornerà la stringa "5 minuti e 30...
0 557 posted 12 years ago by claudiowebdesign
A little function used to set cookies as arrays of values instead of single combinations key->value. Note that it saves values as a stack.
1 625 posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
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