/ Published in: ActionScript 3

Sometimes you need to make animated circle - for example for preloader. This is havily based on Colibri flash player from http://chrometaphore.com/
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//First we need to import some classes: import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import caurina.transitions.Tweener; import flash.utils.Timer; //and declare some varibles: public var graphic:Sprite; public var total:Number = 120; public var track:Sprite; private var __radius:Number = 25; private var t:Timer; private var count:int = 0; private var targetAlpha:Number = 1; //In the constructor function we add: graphic = new Sprite(); addChild( graphic ); track = new Sprite(); track.graphics.lineStyle( 4, 0xFFFFFF, 0.25 ); track.graphics.drawCircle( 0, 0, __radius ); graphic.addChild(track); for ( var i:int = 0; i < total; i++ ) { createCircle( i ); } //And than: public function loop():void { t = new Timer( 1 ); t.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer ); t.start(); } private function onTimer( e:TimerEvent ):void { if ( t.currentCount >= total) { if ( targetAlpha == 1 ) { targetAlpha = 0; } else { targetAlpha = 1; } t.stop(); t.reset(); t.start(); } Tweener.addTween( graphic.getChildByName( "s_" + (t.currentCount - 1) ), { alpha:targetAlpha, time: 1.75, transition:"easeOut" } ); } private function createCircle( ID:int ):void { var singleSliceDegr:Number = 360 / total; var itemDegr:Number = ID * singleSliceDegr; var s:Sprite = new Sprite(); s.name = "s_" + ID; s.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF,1); s.graphics.drawCircle( 0, 0, 2 ); s.cacheAsBitmap = true; s.x = __radius * ( Math.cos( ( itemDegr ) * Math.PI / 180 ) ); s.y = __radius * ( Math.sin( ( itemDegr ) * Math.PI / 180 ) ); s.alpha = 0; graphic.addChild(s); } }