
Member since 06/24/2010

Name: Jonathan Kemp

Location: Knoxville, TN


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Set a cookie that expires at midnight.
1 2177 posted 13 years ago by jonkemp
The cookie expires the number of days from the time it is set.
0 550 posted 13 years ago by jonkemp
0 574 posted 13 years ago by jonkemp
Basic JavaScript browser redirect.
1 531 posted 13 years ago by jonkemp
This code adds the specified library to the header in WordPress unless you are in the admin section.
2 658 posted 13 years ago by jonkemp
Vendor prefixes and W3C standard for border-radius in CSS3.
1 894 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
HTML5 geolocation using the new HTML5 geolocation API, JavaScript and Google Maps. HTML5 geolocation detection is included. This will work in almost every modern browser except IE, but if your browser does not support it, it will tell you so. It will...
3 948 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
The foundational CSS Fonts provides cross-browser typographical normalization and control while still allowing users to choose and adjust their font size.
0 614 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
The foundational CSS Reset removes the inconsistent styling of HTML elements provided by browsers. This creates a dependably flat foundation to built upon.
3 691 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
Check to see if HTTP POST variable exists before doing something with it.
0 744 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
Import into a WordPress installation to test your theme.
0 545 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
The AJAX Libraries API is a content distribution network and loading architecture for the most popular, open source JavaScript libraries.
1 705 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
The Location object is part of a Window object and is accessed through the window.location property. It contains the complete URL of a given Window object, or, if none is specified, of the current Window object.
0 570 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
Although $(document).ready is incredibly useful, it occurs during page render while objects are still downloading. You can reduce CPU utilization during the page load by binding your jQuery functions to the $(window).load event, which occurs after al...
2 585 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
Use chaining in jQuery to reduce the code size and gain better performance.
0 567 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
Reference for WordPress conditional tags with code example.
1 545 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
This requires jQuery. The script checks to see if default text is present in a text field on focus. If it is, then it clears the text. Otherwise, it leaves user entered text intact. This is normally used for a search box.
0 701 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
Check to see if your function exists in WordPress before calling it. This is standard php code though, so it works outside of WordPress as well.
2 630 posted 14 years ago by jonkemp
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