
Member since 05/07/2009

Name: David Pratt

Location: London

Website: http://daipratt.co.uk

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See here for Amazon EC2 range https://forums.aws.amazon.com/ann.jspa?annID=877
0 834 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
If you every get hit by ERROR 1153 (08S01): Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes, then this might help. You also need to make sure that the user that you log in with has SUPER privileges on their account.
0 704 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
This script can be used to install the PECL upload progress PHP extension. You'll know this extension from the Drupal status report page which encourages you to install it.
1 669 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
This will redirect all pages from one domain, to the homepage of another domain.
0 803 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
This will remove all non-ascii characters / special characters from a string.
1 1349 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
Convert a Drupal time stamp field into a readable format. The Drupal time stamp field is in the UNIX format.
1 879 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
The command you need to close the mysql port 3306 from external access. You need to use the 2 lines in the snippet below once you have connected to the server via SSH.
0 853 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
Group by user defined price bands.
1 2128 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
Show the top tags by usage.
1 1200 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
Embed the "Who's online" block from within a template file.
1 853 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
Customises the \"who\'s online\" block to show what role type the user has + the links now point to private message instead of profiles.
1 809 posted 13 years ago by daipratt
1 813 posted 14 years ago by daipratt
Stick this inside the <?php> and you get the month group title shown only once for that date range. Sexy.
0 618 posted 14 years ago by daipratt
0 489 posted 14 years ago by daipratt
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