
Member since 02/12/2010

Name: Alvin Crespo


Location: Irvine, CA


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alvincrespo's Recent SnippetsTagged javascript

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Basically creates a log function on the window object and uses console.log or alert depending on which is supported. Very basic and simple but definitely useful.
0 799 posted 13 years ago by alvincrespo
This is essentially how to detect an outside click for a dialog box on a website, using HTML/CSS/Javascript/JQuery. Essentially you need to understand event propagation how it works throughout the DOM with JQuery, to make this as simple as possib...
0 824 posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
These are essential javascript techniques every javascriptr must know. I will be adding more to this list, let me know what you'd like to see. Thanks!
0 696 posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
Just thought id put up a version of my form validation class. It will be expanded in the future but I thought Id let everyone have a look. # Update 0.1 # * Create Error List Function * Validate Email Address Function * Valida...
0 1011 posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
This is a simple example of OOP in Javascript, based off the highly popular Javascript "The Definitive Guide" book by David Flanagan. I will be expanding this example in the future, let me know what you'd like to see. Thanks! Note: You must have...
0 938 posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
Just a simple snippet on how to reverse a string using a for loop.
0 796 posted 14 years ago by alvincrespo
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