
Member since 06/24/2009

Name: Adam Coulombe

Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada


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adamcoulombe's Recent SnippetsTagged html

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2 817 posted 13 years ago by adamcoulombe
This example uses file_get_contents to retrieve remote HTML. From there, we can parse through it using PHP5's DOMDocument and DOMXpath. XPath Queries are easy to create using the Firefox extension "XPather"
3 1734 posted 14 years ago by adamcoulombe
This is handy for cleaning up your HTML to use more plain text and fewer img tags. Whether this is SEO friendly or not is subjective. I tend to think it's fine as long as you don't use it for spam. Digg implements a similar method for their main logo...
1 950 posted 14 years ago by adamcoulombe
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