
Member since 03/08/2008

Name: Zeljko Prsa

Location: Osijek, Croatia

Website: http://zeljkoprsa.com

Asides cursing all of the Internet Explorer browser family on a daily basis, Zeljko enjoys his job as a Magento Front-end developer for over two years now. Being apart of dozens of Magento projects makes him constantly improve his web development knowledge, communication skills and writing techniques on the inchoo.net blog.\r\n\r\nBefore Inchoo there was a myriad of jobs ranging from sales to IT where he settles eventually in 2002 starting to teach web design to less geeky people. After that, there was a “media agency” that needed a jack-of-all trades so there he was doing it all until it was time to pick one direction in his professional life so he chose the righteous path of being a Web developer when he joined Inchoo.\r\n\r\nAh, that personal life. He’s always occupied with something other than IT like having a band, recording some video commercials with his friends and eventually spending the time with his girlfriend/fiancee and three black cats.

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1 801 posted 14 years ago by hotdiggity
1 776 posted 14 years ago by alexmargineanu
1 1278 posted 18 years ago by masaya
1 8842 posted 18 years ago by 1man
1 14147 posted 18 years ago by 1man
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