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Unlike linked style sheets, it is necessary to enclose CSS in Headers in a "style type". This example media query is for screens under 1024 (tablets and phones) to make sure the images do not extend beyond the layout.
0 1270 posted 10 years ago by jefferis
Add custom header style for Admin
0 949 posted 10 years ago by razvanstavila
Add a css file to style the visual editor to resemble the theme style.
1 1063 posted 10 years ago by razvanstavila
Dynamic equal height columns that account for padding and borders.
1 1007 posted 11 years ago by o0110o
This is the calling one (probably more useful if the clickable text is words, as the iPhone auto-detects phone numbers and does this automatically) This is the SMS one, which overrides the default calling behavior (ex : <a href="http://giocaregratis...
0 1112 posted 11 years ago by haydin
CSS stylesheet template - including HTML5 reset, tweaks for mobile including media queries, print reset styles, and base styles for standardization
7 1483 posted 12 years ago by rickygri
This javascript will create a complex google javascript map with multiple locations selected marked. The map will be centered in the middle and zoomed so that all point can be seen. It also stylizes the map making it mostly desaturated with bits of o...
0 1370 posted 12 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Simple solution found via link. Just edit code from demo page(s). Also http://uniformjs.com/
0 1017 posted 12 years ago by rumremix
0 1014 posted 13 years ago by silentpro
Description: A function that add a class to an element if the element doesn't have anyone, if it already has one, add a new class name. Arguments: The elemento to which you want to add the class and the name of the class you want to add. From boo...
0 943 posted 13 years ago by alberomo
We use lists for all sorts of things, especiall navigation elements for which bullets don't make sense. Often, it is most convenient to remove bullet/list styles from all list elements globally. In fact many css resets do just that. However, there ma...
0 963 posted 13 years ago by rumremix
Come rendere uppercase un textbox senza bisogno di js
0 934 posted 13 years ago by tuffo19
This is the quickest way to style the search bar. It involves creating one single image that includes both the input area and search button.
0 1045 posted 13 years ago by rumremix
0 855 posted 13 years ago by silentpro
The css style's in the <style></style> tags are important for this snippet to work.
1 1106 posted 14 years ago by bobbym245
Not sure what I\'d ever use this for as it doesn\'t exactly lend itself to flexibility in the long term, but saving it anyway.
0 1007 posted 14 years ago by stephcode
When developing a website, an important consideration is accessibility on other media, including the medium of print. However, the printing engines of most browsers render content differently to allow for simple printed pages. One of the most notable...
1 1030 posted 14 years ago by karlhorky
Starter barebones stylesheet that fixes many common browser differences and styles all common HTML elements. - Will be updated.
3 1255 posted 14 years ago by vagrantradio
0 877 posted 14 years ago by antij
This parameter determines the image address which serves as a list marker. This attribute is inherited; therefore value none is used for separate elements of the list for marker restoration. Syntax list-style-image: none | url (a path to a file...
0 1017 posted 14 years ago by Masis
NOTE: THIS HAS BEEN MOVED TO GITHUB: If you have any ideas or improvements for this script feel free to fork or contribute or discuss over there: https://github.com/adamcoulombe/jquery.customSelect Plugin Download: http://www.adamcoulombe.info...
2 1688 posted 14 years ago by adamcoulombe
This line of code will remove the border of an ActionScript 2 TextArea component.
0 1110 posted 14 years ago by adrianparr
This script is for generating plots with many curves, where each curve has its own marker, color, and line style. Please see my blog post for more explanations and leave comments there.
0 1330 posted 15 years ago by benjamin
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