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Clone any Github user's collection of public repositories
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# rootVIII # Download/clone all of a user's public source repositories # Pass the Github user's username with the -u option # Usage: python git_clones.py -u <github username> # Example: python git_clones.py -u rootVIII # from argparse import ArgumentParser from sys import exit, version_info from re import findall from subprocess import call try: from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import Request, urlopen class GitClones: def __init__(self, user): self.url = "https://github.com/%s" % user self.url += "?&tab=repositories&q=&type=source" self.git_clone = "git clone https://github.com/%s/%%s.git" % user self.user = user def http_get(self): if version_info[0] != 2: req = urlopen(self.url) return req.read().decode('utf-8') req = Request(self.url) request = urlopen(req) return request.read() def get_repo_data(self): try: response = self.http_get() except Exception: print("Unable to make request to %s's Github page" % self.user) exit(1) else: pattern = r"<a\s?href\W+%s/(.*)\"\s+" % self.user for line in findall(pattern, response): yield line.split('\"')[0] def get_repositories(self): return [repo for repo in self.get_repo_data()] def download(self, git_repos): for git in git_repos: cmd = self.git_clone % git try: call(cmd.split()) except Exception as e: print(e) print("unable to download:%s\n" % git) if __name__ == "__main__": message = 'Usage: python git_clones.py -u <github username>' h = 'Github Username' parser = ArgumentParser(description=message) parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', required=True, help=h) d = parser.parse_args() clones = GitClones(d.user) repositories = clones.get_repositories() clones.download(repositories)
URL: https://github.com/rootVIII/git_clones