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Put it in functions.php
0 962 posted 9 years ago by burnandbass
Return a pure 10-digit phone number if the number given is 10 digits or 11 digits.
0 1297 posted 11 years ago by chrisvogt
Create navigation links without the need of a plugin, using paginate_links function of wordpress core.
0 1790 posted 11 years ago by rudwolf
Straatnamen en huisnummer splitsen, hieronder diverse types straatnamen Bron: http://www.pfz.nl/archief/965267-adres-splitsen-in-straatnaam-en-huisnr/
0 971 posted 12 years ago by MGHollander
Takes a number (no decimal) and converts it to written words.Why'd i write it to be able to do such big numbers? Why not? Note: The numbers next to the 'thousandfoldnums' are for your reference (thats how many zeros/places there are in that numbe...
0 862 posted 12 years ago by lasavior
0 692 posted 13 years ago by dubogii
This simple function allows you to find a weeks position in the month based on a given date. For instance I needed to alert the user their date was the "Second Week Of January" during a given month. I may never use it again but it came in very hand...
0 2994 posted 13 years ago by aristoworks
I needed to split a decimal number into the integer part and the fraction part and save both of them in different variables
0 1276 posted 13 years ago by bwangila
Add this in search.php
0 616 posted 13 years ago by laurentzziu
Will help convert string to number OR get number in a selected string.
0 742 posted 13 years ago by carbonr
0 662 posted 13 years ago by Groove
A simple PHP application for counting how many views a page gets.
0 631 posted 13 years ago by FelixT
0 597 posted 14 years ago by jodm
this could be expanded to the billions place, but c'mon really people? it's got to call it quits somewhere
1 813 posted 14 years ago by adkatrit
Will strip off the decimals of a number (price) unless they are necessary.
0 605 posted 14 years ago by jmiller
Strips out every character except 0-9
0 663 posted 14 years ago by jmiller
1 746 posted 15 years ago by Shifter
3 802 posted 15 years ago by Shifter
1 728 posted 15 years ago by cobra90nj
0 855 posted 15 years ago by Wardy
Return just the Apache version number of your server, and operating system, from $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] Example: print ('Apache Version: ' . apacheversion()); will return something along the lines of... "Apache Version: 2.2.10 (Unix...
1 1589 posted 15 years ago by iridium
0 507 posted 15 years ago by jtkendall
0 490 posted 15 years ago by jtkendall
A simple method of validating a telephone number using regular expressions and PHP
3 1378 posted 16 years ago by aristoworks
Convert an number to a position / ranking. 1 becomes 1st, 2 becomes 2nd, etc...
2 974 posted 16 years ago by distinctdev
How to check if a number is odd or even in PHP. Could also use the MOD (%) function, but apparently this method is better performance-wise.
12 1249 posted 16 years ago by andyhartleeds
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