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Following steps to be completed to configure an email account and send email from SQL Server
0 1147 posted 7 years ago by sankarwaits
This REST example uses pycurl library to send HTTP request and handle HTTP response so you need to install it to use this example. Once input Word documents are uploaded, you can use the following URI to merge documents on Aspose for Cloud or any sup...
0 1345 posted 10 years ago by johansonkatherine
Mail merge allows you to produce document (potentially large numbers of documents) from a single template and a structured data source. The letter may be sent out to many recipients with small changes, such as a change of address or a change in the g...
0 1372 posted 11 years ago by johansonkatherine
**Example of use:** if (!isUniversityEmail('[email protected]')) exit('You must have a valid and .edu email address to register for an account.');
1 1109 posted 11 years ago by phpdev
In wordpress, if you want to auto convert all URLs in your string into clickable hyperlinks, you can actually do it using the built-in function make_clickable(). If you need to do that outside of wordpress, you can use the same function. Example...
2 2102 posted 11 years ago by fackz
The mail() function allows you to send emails directly from a script. Remember, that most of shared hosting providers require (for security reasons) to use the domain name of your hosting in "FROM" email, e.g. [email protected] for http://yourdomai...
1 1018 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
This is a Class that allows you create a letter with correct headers and send it to multi-emails.
0 957 posted 12 years ago by Zayac
You can set this as a cron to automatically clean up unsubscribes after sending out a mass email.
0 863 posted 12 years ago by squadsupply
Enter any suspicious IP address that you wanted to check into the form field and press the "LOOKUP" button
1 2682 posted 12 years ago by DNSBL
0 959 posted 13 years ago by Reportme
Como insertar imgenes en un envio via email en ASP.NET
0 906 posted 13 years ago by derebus
Simple código en python que te pregunta tu email (gmail) y el correo de tu amigo, pregunta tu contraseña para loguearse vía SMTP en Gmail y enviar el correo. Copyright: http://andriy.im
0 743 posted 13 years ago by andriyleu
0 1004 posted 13 years ago by olemedia
Advance Mail function using PHP Mailer Class
1 890 posted 13 years ago by erraja_07
Encode mailto links and (plain) email addresses on your site and hide them from spambots. Easy to use, plugin works directly when activated. Features * Protect all emails and mailto links * Check posts, widgets, comments and RSS feeds * Encode...
0 1142 posted 13 years ago by freelancephp
0 997 posted 14 years ago by insanedreamer
Script to send mails with Swift Mailer
0 814 posted 14 years ago by juanchifc
If you have any contributions, please comment here.
0 778 posted 14 years ago by uptimejeff
Parameters:\r\n- $to - email address to send the mail\r\n- $subject - subject\r\n- $message - message body (HTML allowed)\r\n- $from_name - sender\'s name\r\n- $from_email - sender\'s email\r\n- $reply_to_name = custom, different from $from_name name...
0 1171 posted 14 years ago by stz184
0 908 posted 14 years ago by metoikos
O envio de emails deve ser feito de modo autenticado, utilizando o smtp do servidor. Este script é um exemplo de envio desta forma, usando a classe phpmailer para isso.
0 807 posted 14 years ago by gpupo
0 766 posted 14 years ago by apro2000
1 978 posted 14 years ago by yisreldov
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