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equal-height columns
0 844 posted 11 years ago by thesmu
The snippet below was pulled from code that loads a list of names pulled from Active Directory into a listbox. This code will execute when the user double clicks on a name in the list box (lstResults) and stores it in a variable to be passed to anoth...
0 917 posted 11 years ago by mattvbiggs
myEls should be the selector statement for whatever elements you want to effect. The example wraps every 3.
1 1164 posted 11 years ago by adambundy
Con este esquema puedes crear objetos instanciables en Javascript usando jQuery. Su uso es muy simple, sólo debes copiar el siguiente código y cambiar las variables que están en mayúsculas.
0 723 posted 11 years ago by porquero
In scripts.js
0 1309 posted 11 years ago by wanlapat
This will reset the tabindex of all input fields on a form after page load
0 1243 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
Handy code snippet for keeping track of the number of characters a user is entering into a textbox or textarea. It will dynamically update the count as the user is typing. This also works with copy & paste. The top snippet will automatically calcu...
2 764 posted 11 years ago by mattvbiggs
Code snippets from the x-editable source code
0 818 posted 11 years ago by steho
I have made a small jQuery snippet to demo the image swapping with attr() funciton. The demo uses 2 images with classes img1 and img2 respectively. On a click of a button, the images are swapped. Basically the script stores “src” value into...
0 843 posted 11 years ago by vijayrajesh
By storing or by having the Iframe embed code as a variable, You can play the Youtube video on a click of a button or any other event. I have used “append” function of jQuery to append the IFrame code dynamically inside a DIV tag.
0 1674 posted 11 years ago by vijayrajesh
The thumbnails of Youtube videos are generally low in quality. Sometimes, the thumbnail is not enough to get the people attention. Here is a small code I have written that works as follows. A custom thumbnail is displayed at the size of 560px wi...
0 1100 posted 11 years ago by vijayrajesh
jQuery Mobile <head> template with needed css and js from CDN. From http://http://jquerymobile.com/
0 865 posted 11 years ago by goo
This is a skeleton template for a jquery plugin with custom methods
1 882 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
0 606 posted 11 years ago by msstar
Useful trick from css tricks blog at http://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/fixing-ie-z-index/
0 942 posted 11 years ago by rumremix
Clear text input when the user selects it (on focus)
0 817 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
0 896 posted 11 years ago by mrmoneyc
mi comment
0 738 posted 11 years ago by darvein
This is a public jsonp api. I use it with jQuery Like This: $.getJSON("http://yourdomain/yourpath/jsonp_api.php?method=getSchema&params=your_db_name&jsoncallback=?", function(data){ //DO SOMETHING WITH THE DATA HERE }...
1 1053 posted 11 years ago by halk
goes in the functions file
0 821 posted 11 years ago by thesmu
The difference between jQuery.extend() and jQuery.fn.extend()
1 843 posted 11 years ago by msstar
.on( events [, selector] [, data], handler(eventObject) ) A delegated-events approach attaches an event handler to only one element, the tbody, and the event only needs to bubble up one level (from the clicked tr to tbody):
0 822 posted 11 years ago by grindking
A very good slider / carousel. Um slider / carrossel muito bom. Ideal para designs responsivos.
0 690 posted 11 years ago by nivasgallo
This code allows Google Analytics to monitor hashtags of jQuery activated events. Very useful if you relies on modal boxes. Este código permite ao Google Analytics monitorar hashtags e âncoras em sites com eventos ativados por jQuery. Muito út...
1 652 posted 11 years ago by nivasgallo
raty named jquery plugin for star rating
0 689 posted 11 years ago by ggmittal
Allows you to click a given checkbox X, then shift click another checkbox Y. All checkboxes between X and Y will be checked or unchecked based on the state of checkbox Y. i.e. if you're unchecking Y all boxes between X and Y will also be unchecked.
1 1249 posted 12 years ago by ReedD19
Smart Time Ago is a little jQuery library to update the relative timestamps in your document intelligently.
0 795 posted 12 years ago by praveensewak
Quite useful snippet to log all events triggering occuring in your app. Because it uses event.global array, it logs custom events as well as native ones For developpement use only, disable it before migrating to production environement.
1 554 posted 12 years ago by mandawan
Simply changes the name attribute on input elements when the page is loaded.
0 761 posted 12 years ago by stevielamb83
How does it work? This code checks/unchecks all checkboxes within the same fieldset. Simple and semantic. HTML Setup Add checkboxes however you like, just make sure they are within the same fieldset. <fieldset> <!--> <div><input>...
1 697 posted 12 years ago by dnnsldr