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It works for me
0 6252 posted 4 years ago by cerxx
There is no need to use jQuery particularly to manipulate cookies.
0 5590 posted 4 years ago by cerxx
Get User IP By jQuery Ajax
0 6583 posted 4 years ago by cerxx
Here is a code that force to fire a click on iOS devices, where there is first a touchstart event
0 1129 posted 4 years ago by cerxx
change <span> value of button with jquery
0 921 posted 8 years ago by envane21
IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expression. http://gregfranko.com/jquery-best-practices/#/7 http://gregfranko.com/jquery-best-practices/#/8
0 831 posted 8 years ago by Waltem
0 738 posted 8 years ago by SmellWing
0 931 posted 9 years ago by olesla
Override yii's jquery files and load your own.
0 788 posted 9 years ago by federaik_
This is a simple way to make custom checkboxes in jQuery.
0 830 posted 9 years ago by del4y
Check if jquery was loaded from CDN. If not, load it from own website.
0 955 posted 9 years ago by a1ias
To check if an “enter” key is pressed inside a textbox, just bind the keypress() to the textbox.
0 1105 posted 9 years ago by luhonghai
To detect copy, paste and cut behavior, you just need to bind the corresponding event type.
0 1486 posted 9 years ago by luhonghai
To check if jQuery library is loaded, use the following JavaScript code
0 1007 posted 9 years ago by luhonghai
JQuery is really a powerful and handy JavaScript library. The page or content loading effect is very easy to implement in jQuery. Here’s a example to make your web page content display a fade in page loading effect
0 909 posted 9 years ago by luhonghai
The purpose of this hook method is to help provide a separation of concerns between CSS and JavaScript. Typically class names are used to attach JavaScript to HTML elements. Using a separate data-hook attribute helps to protect the scripting from...
0 837 posted 9 years ago by pmw57
Bei Autocomplete aus größeren Datenbanken ist es sinnvoll, die Datenbankabfrage in eine separate php-Datei zu verlegen.
0 863 posted 9 years ago by ulfinger
Mit dem php-Script innerhalb der Seite wird aus der SQL-Datenbank ein Javascript-Array zusammengestellt. Darauf greift das autocomplete-Widget zu.
0 941 posted 9 years ago by ulfinger
codeigniter autocomplete
0 879 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 859 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 848 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
codeigniter autocomplete
0 842 posted 9 years ago by shivrajgoa
Please visit http://pantuts.com/2014/09/21/quicknote-jquery-plugin/ for other included files and demos. Thanks
0 906 posted 9 years ago by pantuts
Méthode n'autorisant que les nombres (positifs/négatifs/décimaux avec virgules ou points) dans un champ
0 922 posted 9 years ago by Igeco
N'autorise que les chiffres (avec , ou . ou négatifs) dans un input
0 844 posted 9 years ago by sebabarre
have to change this snippet in order to hide filtered rows. Not tried out yet, but works fine in the jsfiddle
0 997 posted 9 years ago by bboydflo
ClickDesk's website chat JavaScript API is very basic, it only allows for a few customisations, but no event control. And with a last of whitelist/blacklist URL restriction functionality on a large site their code is often in the template. I created...
0 729 posted 10 years ago by mountainash
jQuery Scroll to bottom of page
0 875 posted 10 years ago by buda9
As you can see you need to add backslash and apostrophe => \' to font family with space between. If there isn't spaces in font name just use double apostrophes, e.g. "Lucida Grande"
0 749 posted 10 years ago by buda9
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