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Everyone's Recent JavaScript Snippets Tagged jquery

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It works for me
0 6649 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
There is no need to use jQuery particularly to manipulate cookies.
0 5968 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
Get User IP By jQuery Ajax
0 6999 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
Here is a code that force to fire a click on iOS devices, where there is first a touchstart event
0 1253 posted 5 years ago by cerxx
Check if jquery was loaded from CDN. If not, load it from own website.
0 1031 posted 9 years ago by a1ias
have to change this snippet in order to hide filtered rows. Not tried out yet, but works fine in the jsfiddle
0 1096 posted 10 years ago by bboydflo
ClickDesk's website chat JavaScript API is very basic, it only allows for a few customisations, but no event control. And with a last of whitelist/blacklist URL restriction functionality on a large site their code is often in the template. I created...
0 829 posted 10 years ago by mountainash
Uses the object prototype to extend data. Instantiate as an object and use as specified below (bottom of the code)
0 861 posted 10 years ago by rickygri
Nowadays majority of sites uses the jQuery JavaScript library. A lot of them also make use of Google's hosted version of the library from some reasons: faster loading, better cross site caching etc. However, what if there is ever a problem and jQuery...
0 692 posted 11 years ago by apphp-snippets
jQuery Validate is used in ASP.Net MVC 4. As it is checking only en-US as a default you may have problems with different cultures for decimal inputs and dates (I had to try for minutes to find a accepted date format. I don't want to see how my custom...
0 885 posted 11 years ago by SnipplrSlush
For side by side ULs that become too wide on small screens/devices. The following script let you merge or unmerge ULs depending on the size of the screen/device. Works with jQuery
0 885 posted 11 years ago by jbernus
This is a really basic skeleton template for jQuery plugins. It provides a callback function which can be called anywhere in your plugin with base.success(); This will return the current element, but you can pass anything you like back by changing th...
0 991 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
Use Javascript to check if JQuery is loaded properly in the browser
1 874 posted 11 years ago by nshakin
will preload any background image referenced in your CSS.
0 818 posted 11 years ago by sarpay
simple code of using Ajax by JavaScript or jQuery
0 1080 posted 11 years ago by codingforever99
Con este esquema puedes crear objetos instanciables en Javascript usando jQuery. Su uso es muy simple, sólo debes copiar el siguiente código y cambiar las variables que están en mayúsculas.
0 755 posted 11 years ago by porquero
This will reset the tabindex of all input fields on a form after page load
0 1287 posted 11 years ago by bitsculptor
Code snippets from the x-editable source code
0 850 posted 11 years ago by steho
Useful trick from css tricks blog at http://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/fixing-ie-z-index/
0 968 posted 11 years ago by rumremix
Clear text input when the user selects it (on focus)
0 839 posted 11 years ago by rickygri
Allows you to click a given checkbox X, then shift click another checkbox Y. All checkboxes between X and Y will be checked or unchecked based on the state of checkbox Y. i.e. if you're unchecking Y all boxes between X and Y will also be unchecked.
1 1292 posted 12 years ago by ReedD19
Simply changes the name attribute on input elements when the page is loaded.
0 793 posted 12 years ago by stevielamb83
How does it work? This code checks/unchecks all checkboxes within the same fieldset. Simple and semantic. HTML Setup Add checkboxes however you like, just make sure they are within the same fieldset. <fieldset> <!--> <div><input>...
1 728 posted 12 years ago by dnnsldr
Here’s a handy bit of code that I use quite regularly, its particularly useful if your getting a response message from a form to notify the user that there data was sent, or comunicate an error and you want to fade the message out after a set time.
1 917 posted 12 years ago by dnnsldr
Load jQuery and tell every div to be 100% width
0 1723 posted 12 years ago by cmndo
Another popup jQuery plugin implementation complying with YAGNI.
0 857 posted 12 years ago by p-baleine
This send any value via POST to a PHP page. It is done with AJAX, so the POST return can be used on the same page as the submit
0 1130 posted 12 years ago by rickygri
wild scope on genuineBottom...
1 649 posted 12 years ago by tnntwister
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