/ Published in: JavaScript

jQuery Validate is used in ASP.Net MVC 4. As it is checking only en-US as a default you may have problems with different cultures for decimal inputs and dates (I had to try for minutes to find a accepted date format. I don't want to see how my customers would react). The decimal has been converted from the accepted 9.90 to 990,00 by the controller.
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// you need globalize.js and globalize.culture.de-DE.js for this example. // this overrides the default methods of jQuery Validate so load it only if you want to // use german globalization. $.validator.methods.number = function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || !isNaN(Globalize.parseFloat(value)); }; $.validator.methods.date = function (value, element) { var check = false; var re = /^\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{4}$/; if (re.test(value)) { var adata = value.split('.'); var dd = parseInt(adata[0], 10); var mm = parseInt(adata[1], 10); var yyyy = parseInt(adata[2], 10); var xdata = new Date(yyyy, mm - 1, dd); if ((xdata.getFullYear() == yyyy) && (xdata.getMonth() == mm - 1) && (xdata.getDate() == dd)) check = true; else check = false; } else check = false; return this.optional(element) || check; }; $(function () { Globalize.culture('de-DE'); });