/ Published in: JavaScript

Uses the object prototype to extend data. Instantiate as an object and use as specified below (bottom of the code)
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/* * Plugin template */ (function(window, $){ var Plugin = function(elem, options){ this.elem = elem; this.$elem = $(elem); this.options = options; }; Plugin.prototype = { defaults: { message: 'Hello world!' }, init: function() { this.config = $.extend({}, this.defaults, this.options); this.displayMessage(); return this; }, displayMessage: function() { alert(this.config.message); } }; Plugin.defaults = Plugin.prototype.defaults; $.fn.plugin = function(options) { return this.each(function() { new Plugin(this, options).init(); }); }; window.Plugin = Plugin; })(window, jQuery); /* * Use plugin */ //Set the message per instance: $('#elem').plugin({ message: 'Goodbye World!' }); var p = new Plugin(document.getElementById('elem'), { message: 'Goodbye World!' }).init(); //Or, set the global default message: Plugin.defaults.message = 'Goodbye World!';
URL: http://markdalgleish.com/2011/05/creating-highly-configurable-jquery-plugins/