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Everyone's Recent Snippets Tagged html5

Here we have simple javascript HTML5 support.
1 710 posted 12 years ago by o0110o
0 598 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
0 574 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
0 588 posted 12 years ago by paul0078
I suspect this boilerplate code will continue to evolve while I settle in on my favorite libraries and frameworks but
6 1217 posted 12 years ago by chrisaiv
0 796 posted 12 years ago by visuallyspun
Here's how to use this: * To access something in the local storage, type `Evan.local('name')`. You may need to use `JSON.parse()` on this result. Returns `null` if nothing's there. * To assign something in the local storage, type `Evan.local('nam...
1 661 posted 12 years ago by EvanHahn
Just came across pure css3 soothing clouds, looks awesome, checkout!
0 753 posted 12 years ago by jimmy101
A Barebones html5 frame work header, intro, main_content, footer. Also includes link to main.css and jquery
1 783 posted 12 years ago by CKOink
i don't know if this is amazing or scary
0 613 posted 12 years ago by ederfortunatO
Php conditionals to echo proper audio tags
0 911 posted 12 years ago by poot26
Html5 audio tag
0 537 posted 12 years ago by poot26
Html5 Skeleton
0 718 posted 12 years ago by poot26
Show only non-printable area on web page but print only the printable areas
0 815 posted 12 years ago by duzenz
defining a printable area from a html web page. Making only one place printable
0 1174 posted 12 years ago by duzenz
Starter code for HTML5 web page.
0 689 posted 12 years ago by bahamakyle
This code snippet fetches the very latest minified version of jQuery from Google's CDN. If this is not available, we revert to a locally stored version (current version at time of publish was 1.7.1 - update this to suit going forward).
1 948 posted 12 years ago by Huskie
If you place favicon.ico and apple-touch-icon.png in the root of your website, these references are NOT required.
0 783 posted 12 years ago by Huskie
jQuery for inputy attribute "placeholder".
1 654 posted 12 years ago by mihael
An example of a more semantic version of jQuery Mobile.
3 952 posted 12 years ago by tpryan
An example of less semantic jQuery Mobile Code
1 948 posted 12 years ago by tpryan
3 684 posted 12 years ago by ubershiz
A compiled version of essential styles as a nice blue print for a new project. Toolbox: http://www.css-tricks.com CSS Reset: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
0 553 posted 12 years ago by thewickedchemist
A quick, simple example of using Lawnchair to store and retrieve data for a jQuery Mobile based PhoneGap project. Written by a JavaScript newbie.
0 676 posted 12 years ago by ryanstewart
1 731 posted 12 years ago by jitendraweb
0 651 posted 12 years ago by ayaz
0 820 posted 12 years ago by microreviewsorg
0 803 posted 12 years ago by microreviewsorg
0 793 posted 12 years ago by microreviewsorg