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Everyone's Recent Snippets Tagged html5

0 804 posted 13 years ago by kopfaction
Boiler Plate with base styles and resets inlcuded
0 640 posted 13 years ago by CKOink
HTLM 5 using the google snatch meta tag hiearchy
1 604 posted 13 years ago by CKOink
1 1092 posted 13 years ago by sethetter
This simple example will access your GeoLocation on mobile Safari and place a marker using Google Maps.
3 902 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
This mini experiment simply shows how to create a static Google Map with a Marker based on a user's Geo Location. This was designed specifically for Safari Mobile
4 1701 posted 13 years ago by chrisaiv
This function emulates support for placeholder text on form elements, run it inside a loop or call it by passing in a specific id reference
1 661 posted 13 years ago by errkk
This is a free gift to you folks ;)
1 945 posted 13 years ago by miltonbneto
In a recent iphone webapp I developed, I needed to use safari's Local Database feature. The webapp needed to make a few SQL Queries while performing other actions. The local database data transaction process makes it difficult to make queries and...
0 778 posted 13 years ago by cmndo
Hello, Here is snippet to show wordpress posted date using html5 time tag.
0 580 posted 13 years ago by idragons
1 1479 posted 13 years ago by zvineyard
2 792 posted 13 years ago by zvineyard
HTML5 replacements for the doctype, etc. for WorPress themes. Add this code to your header.php file and you site will use HTML5. Be sure to double check the rest of your theme files for validation errors.
1 578 posted 13 years ago by mindshare
Updated to version 2.0 released January 2011. See: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
2 823 posted 13 years ago by SevenLayersDesign
This is just a super simple setup for the new HTML5 elements. If you're not using a framework or a reset, then you can paste this into your stylesheet so the new elements will behave as expected.
2 692 posted 13 years ago by rewdy
1 582 posted 13 years ago by sethetter
2 568 posted 13 years ago by scopevale
0 509 posted 13 years ago by scopevale
Use this to enhance non firefox browsers to support the sendAsBinary method.
1 535 posted 13 years ago by theshoveller
Until recently, playing video files in a web page was notoriously complicated. The user requires a Flash or Silverlight plug-in and even the simplest HTML is a confusing mess. Few HTML5 features excite developers more than native audio and video....
1 1024 posted 13 years ago by blueocto
Removed depreciated elements, added Firefox button dotted line removal and fixed a few other styling issues. Compressed version in the link above.
1 968 posted 13 years ago by vagrantradio
1 972 posted 13 years ago by cesarkohl
Plenty of you will have used Eric Meyer’s css reset before now. It is included in many frameworks and so on, like 960.gs. This is a revamped version of that reset, that brings it into the present with full support for html5. It sets all the new str...
1 785 posted 13 years ago by paul66
The favicon is pretty much normality these day. the interesting bit here is the apple-touch-icon which is used if you save a bookmark to your home screen on an apple touch device such as an iPad or iPhone. Interestingly enough, android also supports...
3 736 posted 13 years ago by paul66
1 761 posted 13 years ago by bassdas