cakephp form helper (select) optgroup problem with nested options array

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This problem occurs when there is a duplicated name for the first level item (optgroup) and a second level item (option). The rendered select will not contain the mentioned option unless you do the following...

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. // In the view...
  3. // example array
  4. $test = array(
  5. 'blah' => array (0 => 'werd', 1 => 'hah'),
  6. 'woo' => array(2 => 'yay'),
  7. 'bla' => array(3 => 'hoo', 4 => 'ters'),
  8. 'asdf' => array(5 => 'asdf'), // this item won't appear in the list
  9. 'lksjldkfj' => array(6 => 'asdfasdfasdf'),
  10. );
  12. echo $form->input('', array('options' => $zonesList, 'empty' => __('Elegí tu ciudad', true), 'class' => 'selectBox', 'showParents' => true ) ); // note the 'showParents' parameter


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