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Everyone's Recent Snippets Tagged jquery

Converts a standard select box to a clickable image thumbnail list. <code> &lt;select&gt; &lt;option&gt;/images/test1.jpg&lt;/option&gt; &lt;option&gt;/images/test2.jpg&lt;/option&gt; &lt;/select&gt; &lt;script&gt; $('#image').imageSelect();...
1 912 posted 15 years ago by ping_ch
Thanks to [James]( http://www.girsbrain.org/blog ) for this code.
0 709 posted 15 years ago by zachharkey
Learn how to display the total number of Feedburner subscribers next to your 'subscribe' icon on your web site.
2 1046 posted 15 years ago by neal_grosskopf
Here's a simple example of how to parse RSS feeds using jQuery. You will need jFeed (http://www.hovinne.com/blog/index.php/2007/07/15/132-jfeed-jquery-rss-atom-feed-parser-plugin) and a bit of help from PHP (http://snipplr.com/view/12467/php-capture...
8 1081 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
jQuery client-side form validation for the Radiant CMS mailer extension. Requires jQuery 1.2.6+ Each required field needs a class of "required" assigned to the input tag.
0 897 posted 15 years ago by bcalloway
Learn how to retrieve a specific url's total number of Diggs using JQuery, ASP and the Digg API.
2 2013 posted 15 years ago by neal_grosskopf
Find out how to retrieve a count of the total times users have bookmarked your web site or web page on Delicious by using JQuery and JSON. The code is pretty simple and can be done in under 18 lines of code.
1 1131 posted 15 years ago by neal_grosskopf
0 717 posted 15 years ago by davebowker
0 766 posted 15 years ago by davebowker
This is a bit of jQuery within a PHP function that you can dump into your Thesis custom_functions.php file to hide comments upon page load and add a link to show them.
2 759 posted 15 years ago by kristarella
Just so I remember the next time..
1 987 posted 15 years ago by stavelin
Here is a basic example as to how to set up an Ajax request.
4 1324 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
21 4880 posted 15 years ago by garside
This little piece of code will convert to US phone format, as typed. Eg, As the number "0000000000" was typed, it would convert it to (000)-000-0000.
6 3638 posted 15 years ago by xtheonex
Click on an input field with a prefilled value, if that value equals the default then select it, if not leave it as it was. Relies on jQuery.
2 1476 posted 15 years ago by 1man
This enables you to center a horizontal unordered list that uses "float:left". Normally, this is almost impossible with pure CSS, but Javascript makes it easy. jQuery makes it even easier.
0 729 posted 15 years ago by corey
If you've ever been frustrated at fixing multiple double margin / duplicate character bugs in your page, using this handy jQuery snippit, you can wipe them away instantly! This code requires the latest version of jQuery.
3 1108 posted 15 years ago by haxd
2 1196 posted 15 years ago by shahways
Using JSON-P with jQuery. Note the callback.
0 966 posted 15 years ago by 1man
Add class external to all target=_blank links
4 1003 posted 16 years ago by gfazioli
Simple snippet to return the keys of an object.
1 1027 posted 16 years ago by garside
If you have a lot of javascript you need to load to make your page work, but don't want to load all of it before the user sees your page, you can use this handy script to backload it all.
4 935 posted 16 years ago by garside