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@davidlink aim: instanteggrolls
2 1156 posted 15 years ago by conspirator
1 701 posted 15 years ago by kokikr
Stub for creating classes in JQuery
0 845 posted 15 years ago by arpit
1 1087 posted 15 years ago by sixmedia
A lovely little one liner that strips out all non alphanumeric chars first, then replaces the spaces with hyphens, then converts all to lowercase :D
0 680 posted 15 years ago by xtheonex
1 582 posted 15 years ago by sixmedia
The markup would look like this: <code> &lt;input class="swap-value" type="text" value="Search"/ &gt;</code>
2 865 posted 15 years ago by keith
Hi, all, this is the "checkFunction" extension for jQuery. This extension takes two parameters: 1. fPointer This parameter is the "possible" function to check 1.1 This parameter can be a String that is a function poi...
1 740 posted 15 years ago by amischol
<a href="javascript:(function(){var%20ids=[];jQuery('*').each(function(){if(this.id&&this.id!==''){if(ids[this.id]){console.log('duplicate%20id%20found:%20'+this.id,this,ids[this.id])}else{ids[this.id]=this}}});})();">Find duplicate IDs</a> (drag me...
1 982 posted 15 years ago by krunkosaurus
Excellent article on using a CSS Template layout system that makes customizing web pages a step easier.
3 897 posted 15 years ago by donjuanito909
0 672 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
This is how NetTuts does their filterable Portfolio.
3 929 posted 15 years ago by conspirator
HRs are a pain in the ass to style, so why bother? Wrap them in a DIV with a class of HR instead. (In your stylesheet, set .hr hr { display: none }). This also ports the class of the HR up to the new parent DIV, allowing you to make a few differen...
1 611 posted 15 years ago by dougunderscorenelson
This adds a class to focused form elements (helpful for IE6/7), as well as adds a class to the input's parent (in this case, named "form-field").
1 800 posted 15 years ago by dougunderscorenelson
Quick script to find button elements (and elements with the "button" class) and wrap their innards in spans. Good for making rounded-corner buttons.
0 628 posted 15 years ago by dougunderscorenelson
0 1145 posted 15 years ago by chrisaiv
I believe that Accrisoft has a fetch all images from db function built in, but you could always use some php to create the image array
5 1012 posted 15 years ago by conspirator
1 539 posted 15 years ago by danielfilho
Remove item (number or string) from array, using jQuery (method grep).
3 13743 posted 15 years ago by gustavopaes
2 810 posted 15 years ago by kokikr
1 954 posted 15 years ago by conspirator
1 838 posted 15 years ago by demixo
Standard list markup, adds button to expand a super dropdown next to the link.
1 1034 posted 15 years ago by davebowker
One must escape "special characters" in id names using two backslashes.
0 836 posted 15 years ago by penguin999
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