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Everyone's Recent Snippets Tagged jquery

You'll need to download the latest version of jQuery for this to work, as it is linked in the tag. CSS/XHTML included.
15 2957 posted 16 years ago by dmosher
3 1193 posted 16 years ago by iTony
I wrote this very quickly for a form I parse that allows a user to send a page to up to 5 friends. The script adds a click event to an image of a + sign beside an input box. When clicked if the user hasn't already added 5 friends to email, additional...
9 1164 posted 16 years ago by dmosher
7 2509 posted 16 years ago by Juego
After having trouble with xss and .getJSON() I wrote this. Solved my problems so here you go.
3 848 posted 16 years ago by twoism
Smooth scroll to anchor links, requires Interface plugin
9 1239 posted 16 years ago by madmanlear
0 614 posted 16 years ago by rblalock
Accessing JQuery's $() shortcut within WordPress
1 766 posted 16 years ago by melvitax
I'm sure i can clean this up quite a bit, but it works for the moment. This function looks to see if you are on a selected page. If you are it hides the navigation, then loops through and shows each li one after the other. So they don't all fade i...
0 814 posted 16 years ago by 1man
An example of how to extent the jQuery objects to include our own methods.
0 981 posted 16 years ago by 1man
If you have a complex function you may need to pass it lots of arguments. Instead of having to remember how many you need to pass, and passing 'null' for un needed arguments, pass the function an object. Now you can set the defaults inside the fun...
0 925 posted 16 years ago by 1man
Say you wanted the following 4 tabs: bodoni, helvetica, frutiger, univers, each outputting a separate block view of 3 teasers each. This is what your markup would look like:
1 679 posted 16 years ago by zachharkey
Then, your code should look like this ... $(document).ready(function() { $("dt > a").click(function(){ $(this).parent().nextUntil('dt').toggle(); return false; }); });
0 730 posted 16 years ago by thecrumb
#modal would be the bodyID of your modal window. I use jqmodal so it strips out all the header tags, and takes your body ID and turns it into a div.
2 780 posted 16 years ago by kristin
Found this quick little bit of code on the Google jQuery discussion group. It simply fades the background image of a link you have hovered over to a certain color, then fades it back to the original color.
4 911 posted 16 years ago by 1man
Very simple style switcher using jquery. Takes 3 links with id's on each. When one is clicked various styles are removed, then a new one is added.
3 1145 posted 16 years ago by 1man
0 763 posted 16 years ago by kristin
a function that returns the absolute position in DOM tree. jQuery based
1 806 posted 17 years ago by fael
basic wrapper for jQuery code
4 810 posted 17 years ago by sambody
12 1073 posted 17 years ago by soxiam
6 1180 posted 17 years ago by soxiam
Replaces a DOM Element with another, but keeps the classes and IDs of the old one.
3 993 posted 18 years ago by gaunab