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Just a custom function i use to have formated var_dump while debugging
posted 13 years ago by fabienthomas
Just a short little script that takes a mysql query and turns it into a csv file that downloads automatically. If your interested in the details you can hit up the link.
posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner
Comes in handy for php magic functions such as __get and __set. This behaviour is fixed in php 5.3. Returns true also for private and protected properties using a reflectionclass
posted 13 years ago by Roen
Useful snippet for getting a specific number of posts from a specific category, useful for news listing in sidebar
posted 13 years ago by i-am-andy
Thanks to followgram.me you can read a public feed with your photos. Use this code to retrieve your Instagr.am photos and use them on your web.
posted 13 years ago by ginoplusio
Questa piccola funzione riceve come argomento uno unix timestamp e ritorna una stringa contenente la "descrizione verbosa" della differenza di tempo. Ad esempio, usando il timestamp relativo a 5 minuti e mezzo fa, ritornerà la stringa "5 minuti e 30...
posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
I was working on a site that pulled in and republished a bunch of RSS feeds. Some contained duff images such as blank gifs that I needed to block so I wrote this function to compare the url of an image against a blacklist
posted 13 years ago by paulo72
Instead of requiring the loop.php file in your custom themes you can use there two functions, placed in your functions.php file to not only automatically include it, but make a dead simple to filter sections out on a page by page basis negating the n...
posted 13 years ago by FatFolderDesigner