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This is a little PHP class that permits to start quickly the creation of a webpage. When you declare an instance of the class it automatically starts the output buffering and gzip compression, it outputs all the proper tags (doctype, meta, stylesh...
0 758 posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
0 929 posted 13 years ago by focal55
This is a very rudimentary function used to convert a Datetime delivered by the Twitter API to a format you can store in MySQL's datetime field.
0 1590 posted 13 years ago by aristoworks
Script para usar la librería PHP Mailer para enviar un mail usando gmail como servidor SMTP. Se debe descargar la librería phpMailer (www.phpmailer.worxware.com). Se usa una plantilla html para maquetar el cuerpo del mensaje. Desde un serv...
0 1050 posted 13 years ago by alberomo
Place at the top of your header.php to redirect visitors who are not logged-in to the Wordpress admin. I use this to redirect to a simple HTML 'coming soon' page while sites are in development.
1 958 posted 13 years ago by adambundy
1. Get Posts however you see fit 2. Loop through the posts getting the terms from taxonomies and add them to the Post object 3. Sort the Array of Post Objects by the property you want them sorted by using sort_on_field()
0 1375 posted 13 years ago by kingkool68
0 826 posted 13 years ago by otternq
To find the count of number of files in a directory, use this.
0 696 posted 13 years ago by taqin
Codigo base de un plugin para wordpress
0 788 posted 13 years ago by foxnetorka
Codigo base para un widget en Wordpress
0 857 posted 13 years ago by foxnetorka
It uses a variable with a RecordSet. db_query PHP Functions can be used to have the REcordSet(http://snipplr.com/view/59419/php-connexion-to-mysql-ddbb-sql-query-and-creation-of-a-record-set/). Then fill the tables with the data of the RecordSet.
0 877 posted 13 years ago by alberomo
That's something quick. A basic php class to manage properly a database. Thanks to magic methods opening a database is almost automatic.
1 1079 posted 13 years ago by claudiowebdesign
PHP code for connect to MySql, create a SQL query and a Record Set from it. Note: If you use ADODB php library, write db_query() instead of mysql_query().
0 1206 posted 13 years ago by alberomo
0 1240 posted 13 years ago by sybrex
It uses a variable with a RecordSet from a ADOdb Library (Library must be downloaded). db_query PHP Functions can be used to have the REcordSet(http://snipplr.com/view/59379/dbquery-php-function-for-ddbb-queries-with-adodb-library/) Then uses ADOD...
0 804 posted 13 years ago by alberomo
A PHP function to get a Record Set using ADOdb Library. It takes the (SQL) query as an argument. For INSERT queries. NOTE: A call for a query. It also need next variables: $dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpasswd,$dbname (data from de bbdd connexion). Can be...
0 1050 posted 13 years ago by alberomo
A PHP function to get a Record Set using ADOdb Library. It takes the (SQL) query as an argument. For SELECT,UPDATE and DELETE queries. It also need next variables: $db_host,$db_user,$db_passwd,$db_name (data from de bbdd connexion). Can be dec...
0 981 posted 13 years ago by alberomo
0 1042 posted 13 years ago by szpunk
Takes the collection 'david' and gives a unique array of the keys used.
0 999 posted 13 years ago by lemcoe9
I am having a bit of trouble figuring out what goes where in my application. I guess this is something of a fundamental lack of understanding I have, and I'm hoping somebody might be able to clear things up. This is all very much pseudo code. In...
0 809 posted 13 years ago by shoelessone
There seems to be no easy way to insert a key and value at the beginning of an array, as array_unset does not allow you to specify a key. This is not a very efficient way to do it, but it works. Pretend the array is currently: array("a"=>"b", "c"...
0 1311 posted 13 years ago by lemcoe9
Transform $_GET or $_POST in a string to add to an URL and send variables and values. Argument: Receive an $_GET O $_POST array function. Returns: variables concatenation to add to the URL.
0 1028 posted 13 years ago by alberomo
0 922 posted 13 years ago by genseric
Get number and returns a spaced string (14563 -> 14 563)
0 844 posted 13 years ago by dhjapan
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