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Simple yet effective way to create a horizontal slider to controll the volume of your sound channel
4 1213 posted 15 years ago by Ktoso
I copied this from my working example and tweaked some lines to make it generic. Thus there MAY be a typo which I haven't checked for, but probably not. This is what's needed to have something change upon selection of an item in a ComboBox.
0 1017 posted 16 years ago by Winkyboy
You know how your bookmarks toolbar will show a little arrow when there are too many to fit? This code snippet will make the toolbar twice the size in height, and make the bookmarks wrap to the next line. In mac, you need to edit the file /Users/-...
1 713 posted 16 years ago by Jacolyte
CSS 3 media queries test for html, table columns disappear when browser window width is changed; Fx 3.1
2 974 posted 16 years ago by sullei
This takes whatever object you want (called YOUR_OBJECT in the source) and traces out each child of that object. Pretty useful for debugging an add/removeChild issue.
1 1666 posted 16 years ago by benwasilewski
1 965 posted 16 years ago by jrutter
This code will show you how to write Mouse Events using AS3 and also some simple Drawing API as well.
3 1418 posted 17 years ago by mswallace
This code shows you how to load large files using as3. This is good for loading in large files. Flash Player will fire events as the data becomes available.
7 1446 posted 17 years ago by mswallace
Found this code. It is an example of loading and reading different file types with ActionScript 3
5 1342 posted 17 years ago by mswallace
Just some code that shows you how to set up the Drawing API and draw a line and also use the dropshadow filter.
4 1224 posted 17 years ago by mswallace
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