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jQuery: // hide all instructions $('.defaultForm li > .instructions').hide(); function hilite(elem){ // remove any previously selected hilite's and instructions if any $('.defaultForm li.selected .instructions').hide(); $('.defaultForm li.selected').removeClass("selected"); // hilite and show instructions if any elem.parent('li').addClass("selected"); elem.parent('label').parent('li').addClass("selected"); elem.siblings('.instructions').show(); elem.parent().siblings('.instructions').show(); } // on focus tests for various types of form elements var inputFocused = false; // input fields $('.defaultForm * > input').focus(function () { // check to see if input field is not a button if( !$(this).attr("src") || $(this).attr("value") != "submit"){ hilite($(this)); } inputFocused = true; }); // radio and checkboxes only get detected with onclick (or tab) for chrome/safari if(!inputFocused){ $('.defaultForm * > input').click(function () { // check to see if input field is not a button if( !$(this).attr("src") || $(this).attr("value") != "submit"){ hilite($(this)); } }); } // text areas $('.defaultForm * > textarea').focus(function () { hilite($(this)); }); // select boxes $('.defaultForm * > select').focus(function () { hilite($(this)); }); HTML Markup: <form name="formExample" id="formExample" action=""> <ul class="defaultForm"> <li> <label for="name">Your Full Name:</label><input name="name" type="text" class="inputText onehalf" /> <span class="required">*</span><span class="error">! Please enter your full name</span> <span class="instructions">Please enter your full name</span> </li> </ul> </form> CSS: ul.defaultForm{} ul.defaultForm li{clear:left; padding:6px 0 2px; line-height:180%;} ul.defaultForm li.selected{background-color:#F5F5F5;} ul.defaultForm li label{float:left; width:150px; padding-right:20px; margin-top:-2px; font-weight:normal; text-align:right;} ul.defaultForm li label.radio, ul.defaultForm li label.checkbox{float:none; width:auto;} ul.defaultForm li .required{padding-left:5px;} ul.defaultForm li .error{display:block; margin-left:170px; color:#D71111; font-weight:bold; display:none; } ul.defaultForm li .instructions{display:block; margin-left:170px; color:#666;} .onethird{width:33%;} .fortypercent{width:40%} .onehalf{width:50%;} .twothirds{width:66%;} .fullwidth{width:100%;}