/ Published in: jQuery

PHP code is CakePHP style, replace with regular html
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
<?php /* PHP code is CakePHP style, replace with regular html */ echo $javascript->link('ui/ui.core.js', false); echo $javascript->link('ui/ui.draggable.js', false); echo $javascript->link('ui/ui.droppable.js', false); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.workout-event').live("mouseover", function() { if (!$(this).data("init")) { $(this).data("init", true); jQuery(this).draggable({ cancel: 'a.ui-icon', revert: 'invalid', containment: 'ul.calendar', helper: 'clone', cursor: 'move' }); } }); jQuery('.day-holder').droppable({ accept: '.workout-event', activeClass: 'ui-state-highlight', drop: function(ev, ui) { droppedWorkout(ui.draggable,$(this)); } }); var url = "<?php echo $html->url(array('action'=>'move'))?>"; function droppedWorkout(item, target) { var query = url + '/' + item.attr('rel') + '/' + target.attr('title'); jQuery.getJSON(query, function(data){ item.hide(); item.appendTo(target.find('.event-holder')).fadeIn(); }); } }); </script>