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The only function the Tag Cloud singleton exposes it the process() function which take 3 arguments.
1. Cloud Data - Required. Needs to have a display value property and a count property. The actual property names are configurable but by default looks for text and value respectivley
2. Render Function - Required. This is the function that will render the cloud items onto the page. This is left up to the developer as this could be dramatically different each time. IT accepts 3 arguments - Display Text, Calculated Size and
3. Optional Configuration - Object that accepts:
* scaler - Overrides the default scaling calculation
* unit - The default size unit eg '%' or 'px'
* textProperty - The property on the object to get the display value
* valueProperty - The property on the object to get the count per item
1. Cloud Data - Required. Needs to have a display value property and a count property. The actual property names are configurable but by default looks for text and value respectivley
2. Render Function - Required. This is the function that will render the cloud items onto the page. This is left up to the developer as this could be dramatically different each time. IT accepts 3 arguments - Display Text, Calculated Size and
3. Optional Configuration - Object that accepts:
* scaler - Overrides the default scaling calculation
* unit - The default size unit eg '%' or 'px'
* textProperty - The property on the object to get the display value
* valueProperty - The property on the object to get the count per item
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/**---------------------------------------------------------------- * * TAG CLOUD IMPLEMENTATION * *///-------------------------------------------------------------- var TagCloud = function(){ var DEFAULT_UNIT = '%'; var DEFAULT_TEXT_PROPERTY = 'text'; var DEFAULT_VALUE_PROPERTY = 'value'; var gatherStatistics = function(data, config){ var currentMax = data[0][config.valueProperty]; var currentMin = data[0][config.valueProperty]; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ var value = data[i][config.valueProperty]; currentMax = (currentMax < value)?value:currentMax; currentMin = (currentMin > value)?value:currentMin } return { max : currentMax, min : currentMin, mid : (currentMax+currentMin)/2, unit : (currentMax-currentMin)/100 }; } var defaultScaler = function(value, rangeData){ return ((value/rangeData.max)*100)+100; } return { process : function(data, config){ config = config || {}; config.unit = config.unit || DEFAULT_UNIT; config.textProperty = config.textProperty || DEFAULT_TEXT_PROPERTY; config.valueProperty = config.valueProperty || DEFAULT_VALUE_PROPERTY; var dataRange = gatherStatistics(data, config); var scaler = config.scaler || defaultScaler; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ var scale = scaler(data[i][config.valueProperty], dataRange); config.renderer(data[i][config.textProperty], scale, config.unit); } } } }(); /**---------------------------------------------------------------- * * BASIC USAGE EXAMPLE * *///-------------------------------------------------------------- var cloudData = [ {text:"One", value:41}, {text:"Two", value:122}, {text:"Three", value:53}, {text:"Four", value:45}, {text:"Five", value:52}, {text:"Six", value:68} ]; TagCloud.process(cloudData,{ renderer : function(text, size, unit){ document.write("<span style=\"font-size:" + size + unit + ";\">" + text + "</span>"); } ,scaler : function(value, rangeData){ var MAXFONTSIZE = 30; var MINFONTSIZE = 12; var spread = rangeData.max - rangeData.min; if(spread == 0){ spread = 1; } return MINFONTSIZE + (value - rangeData.min) * (MAXFONTSIZE - MINFONTSIZE) / spread; } ,unit : 'px' });