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def font_size_for_tag_cloud( total, lowest, highest, options={} ) return nil if total.nil? or highest.nil? or lowest.nil? # # options maxf = options.delete( :max_font_size ) || 14 minf = options.delete( :min_font_size ) || 11 maxc = options.delete( :max_color ) || [ 0, 0, 0 ] minc = options.delete( :min_color ) || [ 156, 156, 156 ] hide_sizes = options.delete( :hide_sizes ) hide_colours = options.delete( :hide_colours ) # # function to work out rgb values def rgb_color( a, b, i, x) return nil if i <= 1 or x <= 1 if a > b a-(Math.log(i)*(a-b)/Math.log(x)).floor else (Math.log(i)*(b-a)/Math.log(x)+a).floor end end # # work out colours c = [] (0..2).each { |i| c << rgb_color( minc[i], maxc[i], total, highest ) || nil } colors = c.compact.empty? ? minc.join(',') : c.join(',') # # work out the font size spread = highest.to_f - lowest.to_f spread = 1.to_f if spread <= 0 fontspread = maxf.to_f - minf.to_f fontstep = spread / fontspread size = ( minf + ( total.to_f / fontstep ) ).to_i size = maxf if size > maxf # # display the results size_txt = "font-size:#{ size.to_s }px;" unless hide_sizes color_txt = "color:rgb(#{ colors });" unless hide_colours return [ size_txt, color_txt ].join end