/ Published in: C#

Example 1: I'm verifying that the list that is passed in has 3 attachments. SendMail is run later in the SendEmail method.
Example 2: I'm verifying that the object that is passed into the method has the appropriate values.
Example 2: I'm verifying that the object that is passed into the method has the appropriate values.
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Example 1: private Mock<IEmailService> mockEmailService = repository.Create<IEmailService>(); // Setup const string messageSubject = @"foo example"; const string messageBody = @"foo body"; const bool highPriority = true; const string fromAccount = "TestAccount"; // Action target.SendEmail(emailAddress, messageSubject, messageBody, true, fromAccount, attachmentList); // Assert mockEmailService.Verify(x => x.SendMail(It.Is<MailMessage>(p => p.Attachments.Count() == 3), It.IsAny<bool>())); ------------------------------ Example 2: private MockRepository mockRepository; private Mock<IProvider> mockProvider; BrokerInvoiceNumber = "BI456"}; mockProvider.Setup(h => h.BiProcessingErrorProvider.InsertBiProcessingError( && x.BrokerInvoiceNumber == brokerInvoiceModel.BrokerInvoiceNumber && x.ExceptionInfo == exception.Message && x.ExtendedInfo == exception.ToString()))).Verifiable(); // Action target.CreateErrorLog(exception, brokerInvoiceModel); // Assert mockRepository.VerifyAll();