Callback for when images have loaded in an AJAX call

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  1. function when_images_loaded($img_container, callback) { // do callback when images in $img_container (jQuery object) are loaded. Only works when ALL images in $img_container are newly inserted images and this function is called immediately after images are inserted into the target.
  2. var _imgs = $img_container.find('img'),
  3. img_length = _imgs.length,
  4. img_load_cntr = 0;
  6. if (img_length) { //if the $img_container contains new images.
  7. _imgs.on('load', function() { //then we avoid the callback until images are loaded
  8. img_load_cntr++;
  9. if (img_load_cntr == img_length) {
  10. callback();
  11. }
  12. });
  13. }
  14. else { //otherwise just do the main callback action if there's no images in $img_container.
  15. callback();
  16. }
  17. }


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