/ Published in: DOS Batch

Uses the sysinternals (microsoft) utility PsLogList to save specified event logs to files and then clears them. Method can be used to save logs as .evt and .evtx. This script has four event logs listed as an example and has a template command commented. Tested on a local windows 7 machine, but should work for xp, server 2k3 and 2k8.
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@echo off @cls ::Originally written by the user wesil on spiceworks.com ::Modified by Rectifier 06-30-2012 ::This batch requires you to download the sysinternals (microsoft) utility psloglist ::Try http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals or google psloglist ::Tested on a local machine using psloglist.exe version 2.71 on Windows 7 x64 Home Premium ::Use the ping command to wait from XP onward, timeout works for server 2k3 ::The -g switch only works after the -c switch; this saves the log to file and clears it ::You can change the file extension from evt (older) to evtx (newer) and vice versa ::Change pstooldir to where psloglist.exe is located set pstooldir=C:\PSTools ::Error handling ::Change logdir to where you want to save the event logs set logdir=C:\Event Logs ::Template command for saving an event log: ::psloglist.exe -s -c -g "yourdir\filename %date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%.extension" "log name" ::Saved files appear as "filename MM-DD-YYYY.extension" without quotations ::Exports to file and then clears the following event logs psloglist.exe -s -c -g "%logdir%\Security %date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%.evtx" Security psloglist.exe -s -c -g "%logdir%\Application %date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%.evtx" Application psloglist.exe -s -c -g "%logdir%\System %date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%.evtx" System psloglist.exe -s -c -g "%logdir%\Internet Explorer %date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%.evtx" "Internet Explorer" goto end :ERR0 ping -n 2 >nul goto emd :ERR1 echo Can't create folder "Event Logs" ping -n 2 >nul goto end :end ::Uncomment the pause to view the output before ending the batch file ::pause exit /b