/ Published in: JavaScript

Although I realize one should be able to filter a store to remove unwanted items in the list, this allows the list items through and just hides them via CSS.
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
Ext.define("YourNamespace.view.YourViewHere", { extend: 'Ext.List', config: { id: 'YourViewHere', title: 'Your Title Here', scrollable: { direction: 'vertical' }, store: 'YourStoreHere', emptyText: '<div class="listEmpty">You have nothing in this list</div>', deferEmptyText: false, // {type} and {content} below would be defined in your model itemTpl: '<div class="SomeClassItem AnIdentifierLikeClass{type}">' + ' <div class="noteContent">{content}</div>' + '</div>', listeners: { initialize: function() { var store = this.getStore(); store.addListener("refresh", function() { this.refresh(); }, this); }, activate: function() { // hide items in your list based on a class ('SomeNewClassToAdd' would have display:none) var listItems = Ext.Element.select('#YourViewHere .x-list-item'); for (var intI = 0; intI < listItems.elements.length; intI++) { if (listItems.elements[intI].innerHTML.indexOf('AnIdentifierLikeClass3') > 0) { Ext.get(listItems.elements[intI].id).addCls('SomeNewClassToAdd'); } } } } } });