/ Published in: ActionScript 3

All credit for this class goes to Ben Kanizay (http://bk4d.com)
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/** * * DrawingUtil class * * Copyright (c) 2009 Ben Kanizay * This software is released under the MIT License * */ package beekay.core.utils { import flash.display.LineScaleMode; import flash.display.GradientType; import flash.display.Graphics; import flash.display.SpreadMethod; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.geom.Matrix; /** * @author ben.kanizay */ public class DrawingUtil { /* * Returns a rectangular sprite. * * @param width:Number the width of the rectangle * @param height:Number the height of the rectangle * @param fill:Object (optional) - An object containing fill properties - default is a solid 0x00FFFF fill and alpha of 1 * @param stroke:Object (optional) - An object containing stroke properties - default is no stroke * @param ellipse:int (optional) the size of the rounded corners - default is 0 * * @return Sprite * */ public static function drawRectSprite(width:Number, height:Number, fill:Object=null, stroke:Object=null, ellipse:int=0):Sprite { var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite(); var graphics:Graphics = sprite.graphics; // check if we're drawing a stroke if (stroke != null) { var strokeObj:Object = getStroke(stroke); graphics.lineStyle(strokeObj.weight, strokeObj.colour, strokeObj.alpha, strokeObj.pixelHinting, strokeObj.scaleMode); } // determine the fill type and properties if (fill != null && fill.colour != null && fill.colour is Array && fill.colour.length > 1) { // gradient var gradProps:Object = getGradient(fill); var gradMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); gradMatrix.createGradientBox(width, height, gradProps.rotation, 0, 0); graphics.beginGradientFill(gradProps.type, gradProps.colours, gradProps.alphas, gradProps.ratios, gradMatrix, gradProps.Spread); } else { // solid var fillProps:Object = getSolid(fill); graphics.beginFill(fillProps.colour, fillProps.alpha); } // rounded corners or not? if (ellipse > 0) { graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, width, height, ellipse); } else { graphics.drawRect(0, 0, width, height); } graphics.endFill(); return sprite; } /* * Returns a circular sprite. * * @param radius:int the radius of the circle * @param fill:Object (optional) - An object containing fill properties * @param stroke:Object (optional) - An object containing stroke properties * * @return Sprite * */ public static function drawCircSprite(radius:int, fill:Object=null, stroke:Object=null):Sprite { var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite(); var graphics:Graphics = sprite.graphics; // check if we're drawing a stroke if (stroke != null) { var strokeObj:Object = getStroke(stroke); graphics.lineStyle(strokeObj.weight, strokeObj.colour, strokeObj.alpha, strokeObj.pixelHinting, strokeObj.scaleMode); } // determine the fill type and properties if (fill != null && fill.colour != null && fill.colour is Array && fill.colour.length > 1) { // gradient var gradProps:Object = getGradient(fill); var gradMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); gradMatrix.createGradientBox(radius, radius, gradProps.rotation, 0, 0); graphics.beginGradientFill(gradProps.type, gradProps.colours, gradProps.alphas, gradProps.ratios, gradMatrix, gradProps.Spread); } else { // solid var fillProps:Object = getSolid(fill); graphics.beginFill(fillProps.colour, fillProps.alpha); } graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, radius); graphics.endFill(); return sprite; } /* * Returns a simple triangle shaped Sprite with equal sides. * * @param base:int the length of the triangle base (the other sides will be the same) * @param fill:Object (optional) - An object containing fill properties * @param stroke:Object (optional) - An object containing stroke properties * * @return Sprite * */ public static function drawTriSprite(base:int, fill:Object=null, stroke:Object=null) : Sprite { var height:Number = Math.sqrt((base*base)-((base/2)*(base/2))); var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite(); var graphics:Graphics = sprite.graphics; // check if we're drawing a stroke if (stroke != null) { var strokeObj:Object = getStroke(stroke); graphics.lineStyle(strokeObj.weight, strokeObj.colour, strokeObj.alpha, strokeObj.pixelHinting, strokeObj.scaleMode); } // determine the fill type and properties if (fill != null && fill.colour != null && fill.colour is Array && fill.colour.length > 1) { // gradient var gradProps:Object = getGradient(fill); var gradMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); gradMatrix.createGradientBox(base, height, gradProps.rotation, 0, 0); graphics.beginGradientFill(gradProps.type, gradProps.colours, gradProps.alphas, gradProps.ratios, gradMatrix, gradProps.Spread); } else { // solid var fillProps:Object = getSolid(fill); graphics.beginFill(fillProps.colour, fillProps.alpha); } graphics.moveTo(0, height); graphics.lineTo(base/2, 0); graphics.lineTo(base, height); graphics.lineTo(0, height); graphics.endFill(); return sprite; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HELPER METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Creates the stroke properties, using defaults for any null values */ private static function getStroke(props:Object) : Object { var stroke:Object = {}; var strokeWeight:Number = (props.weight != null) ? props.weight : 1; var strokeColour:uint = (props.colour != null) ? props.colour : 0x000000; var pixelHinting:Boolean = (props.pixelHinting != null) ? props.pixelHinting : true; var scaleMode:String = (props.scaleMode != null) ? props.scaleMode : LineScaleMode.NONE; var strokeAlpha:Number = (props.alpha != null) ? props.alpha : 1; stroke.weight = strokeWeight; stroke.colour = strokeColour; stroke.pixelHinting = pixelHinting; stroke.scaleMode = scaleMode; stroke.alpha = strokeAlpha; return stroke; } /* * Creates the gradient fill properties, using defaults for any null values */ private static function getGradient(fill:Object) : Object { var gradient:Object = {}; var gradColours:Array = [parseInt(fill.colour[0]), parseInt(fill.colour[1])]; var gradAlphas:Array = (fill.alpha is Array) ? (fill.alpha.length > 1) ? [fill.alpha[0], fill.alpha[1]] : [fill.alpha[0], fill.alpha[0]] : (fill.alpha != null) ? [fill.alpha, fill.alpha] : [1, 1]; var gradType:String = (fill.gradientType != null) ? fill.gradientType : GradientType.LINEAR; var gradSpread:String = (fill.spreadMethod != null) ? fill.spreadMethod : SpreadMethod.PAD; var gradRatios:Array = (fill.ratios is Array && fill.ratios.length > 1) ? [fill.ratios[0], fill.ratios[1]] : [0, 255]; var gradRotation:Number = (fill.rotation != null) ? fill.rotation : 0; gradient.colours = gradColours; gradient.alphas = gradAlphas; gradient.type = gradType; gradient.spread = gradSpread; gradient.ratios = gradRatios; gradient.rotation = gradRotation; return gradient; } /* * Creates the solid fill properties, using defaults for any null values */ private static function getSolid(fill:Object) : Object { var solid:Object = {}; var fillAlpha:Number = (fill.alpha == null) ? 1 : (fill.alpha is Array) ? fill.alpha[0] : fill.alpha; var fillColour:uint = (fill.colour != null) ? (fill.colour is Array) ? parseInt(fill.colour[0]) : parseInt(fill.colour) : 0x00FFFF; solid.alpha = fillAlpha; solid.colour = fillColour; return solid; } } } // USAGE EXAMPLES // a 200x200 black square: // var box1:Sprite = DrawingUtil.drawRectSprite(200, 200, {colour:0x000000}); // a 200x200 square with a linear gradient from grey to black: // var box2:Sprite = DrawingUtil.drawRectSprite(200, 200, {colour:[0xCCCCCC, 0x000000]}); // and 200x200 black square with a grey 2px grey stroke // var box3:Sprite = DrawingUtil.drawRectSprite(200, 200, {colour:0x000000}, {weight:2, colour:0xCCCCCC}); // the same as above but with rounded corners set to 20 // var box4:Sprite = DrawingUtil.drawRectSprite(200, 200, {colour:0x000000}, {weight:2, colour:0xCCCCCC}, 20); // and the black square with rounded corners but no stroke // var box5:Sprite = DrawingUtil.drawRectSprite(200, 200, {colour:0x000000}, null, 20);
URL: http://bk4d.com/articles/as3-drawing-utility-class/