/ Published in: ActionScript 3

This can be used to help load, play and monitor playback of external video.
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package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.NetStatusEvent; import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.media.SoundTransform; import flash.media.Video; import flash.net.NetConnection; import flash.net.NetStream; import flash.utils.Timer; public class NetConnectShare extends Sprite { private var videoURL:String = null; public static var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); public var stream:NetStream; private static var tim:Timer; private var muted:Boolean = false; private var previousPlayheadTime:Number; private static var pause:Boolean = false; private var currentVolume:Number = 1; private var cuePoints:Boolean = false; private var ASCuePoints:Array = new Array(); private var intBad:int = 0; public var hasStream:Boolean = false; public var video:Video; public function NetConnectShare( _video:Video ) { // set the output video = _video; // create listeners for connection connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler); connection.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler); } public function connect( _videoURL:String, _video:Video = null ):void { // set the source url videoURL = _videoURL; if (_video != null) { video = _video; } // create connection connection.connect(null); } public function switchPlayers( _video:Video ):void { trace("[switchPlayers]", "net" ); // assign output and attatch stream video = _video; video.attachNetStream(stream); } public function playheadTime():Number { trace("[playheadTime]", "playheadTime" ); if (stream) { return stream.time; } else { return 0; } } public function play( url:String ):void { trace( "[play] pause = false", "net" ); // assign source and play stream videoURL = url; playStream(); pause = false; } public function stop():void { trace( "[stop] pause = true", "net" ); // stop timer and stream if (tim) { tim.stop(); } stream.pause(); pause = true; } public function pausePlay( e:Event = null ):void { pause = ! pause; trace( "[pausePlay] pause = " + String( pause ) + " isEvent = " + String( Boolean( e ) ) , "net" ); //toggle pause / play and if pausing stop timer, if playing start or create timer if (pause) { trace( "[pausePlay] STOP " + String( tim ) + " pause = " + String( pause ) , "net" ); if (tim) { tim.stop(); } } else { if (tim) { trace( "[pausePlay] START " + String( tim ) + " pause = " + String( pause ) , "net" ); tim.start(); } else { trace( "[pausePlay] NEW TIM pause = " + String( pause ) , "net" ); try { tim.stop(); trace("[pausePlay] old tim "); } catch (e:Error) { trace("[pausePlay] old tim error"); } tim = new Timer(500); tim.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timeCheck ); tim.start(); } } try { stream.togglePause(); } catch (e:Error) { trace( "[pausePlay] ERROR \n" + e ); } } public function playOn( e:Event = null ):void { trace( "[playOn] pause = " + String( pause ) + " isEvent = " + String( Boolean( e ) ) , "net" ); // make sure stream is pause and togglePause to play if (! pause) { if (tim) { trace( "[playOn] START " + String( tim ) + " pause = " + String( pause ) , "net" ); tim.start(); stream.pause(); try { stream.togglePause(); } catch (e:Error) { trace( "[pausePlay] ERROR \n" + e ); } } else { trace( "[playOn] NEW TIM pause = " + String( pause ) , "net" ); stream.pause(); try { stream.togglePause(); } catch (e:Error) { trace( "[pausePlay] ERROR \n" + e ); } tim = new Timer(500); tim.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timeCheck ); tim.start(); } } } public function seek( num:Number ):void { trace( "[seek]", "net" ); stream.seek( num ); } public function set volume( num:Number ):void { trace("[volume]", "net" ); var sT:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(num); stream.soundTransform = sT; currentVolume = num; } public function get volume():Number { return currentVolume; } public function mute( e:Event = null ):void { var sT:SoundTransform; // toggle mute if (muted) { sT = new SoundTransform(1,0); stream.soundTransform = sT; currentVolume = 1; } else { sT = new SoundTransform(0,0); stream.soundTransform = sT; currentVolume = 0; } muted = ! muted; trace("[mute] "+ String( muted ) , "net" ); } public function isMuted():Boolean { return muted; } public function get source():String { return this.videoURL; } public function set source( _videoURL:String ):void { videoURL = _videoURL; } public function addASCuePoint( _time:Number, name:String ):void { var tArr:Array = new Array(); // add cue point as multidymentional array // [ timeOfCuePoin, nameOfCuePoint, hasCuePointBeenPassed ] tArr = [_time,name,false]; cuePoints = true; ASCuePoints.push( tArr ); } public function get bytesLoaded():Number { return stream.bytesLoaded; } public function get bytesTotal():Number { return stream.bytesTotal; } public function get totalTime():Number { return stream.client.duration; } public function reConnectStream():void { trace( "[reConnectStream]", "net" ); stream = new NetStream(connection); stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler); stream.client = new CustomClient(); video.attachNetStream(stream); playStream(); } // Private Methods private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void { switch (event.info.code) { case "NetConnection.Connect.Success" : connectStream(); break; case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" : trace("Stream not found: " + videoURL + "\n" , "net" ); break; } } private function securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void { trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event); } private function connectStream():void { trace( "[connectStream]", "net" ); if (! this.hasStream && videoURL) { trace("SNAP "+ String( hasStream ) +" "+ String( videoURL ), "net" ); this.hasStream = true; stream = new NetStream(connection); stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler); stream.client = new CustomClient(); video.attachNetStream(stream); playStream(); } } private function playStream():void { trace("[playStream] pause = false", "net" ); intBad = 0; stream.client.metaRec = false; stream.play(videoURL); pause = false; tim = new Timer(500); tim.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timeCheck ); tim.start(); } private function timeCheck( e:TimerEvent ):void { trace("[timeCheck] pause = " + String( pause ), "net"); var i:uint; var myPlayheadTime:Number = this.playheadTime(); // end video if at or beyond the meta data duration if (stream.client.metaRec) { if ( ( myPlayheadTime >= stream.client.duration ) ) { trace("MetaRec: " + "\n", "net" ); stream.client.onPlayStatus(); stream.close(); this.dispatchEvent( new Event ( "videoPlayComplete", true ) ); } } // end video even if onPlayStatus does not fire if (myPlayheadTime == this.previousPlayheadTime) { if (! pause) { ++intBad; if (intBad > 8) { trace("intBad: pause = " + String( pause ) + "\n", "net" ); stream.client.onPlayStatus(); stream.close(); this.dispatchEvent( new Event ( "videoPlayComplete", true ) ); intBad = 0; } } } else { intBad = 0; } this.previousPlayheadTime = myPlayheadTime; // check if passed cue point and if so fire event if (cuePoints) { for (i = 0; i < ASCuePoints.length; i++) { if (! ASCuePoints[i][2]) { if (this.playheadTime() > ASCuePoints[i][0]) { this.dispatchEvent( new Event ( ASCuePoints[ i ][ 1 ] + "CuePoint", true) ); ASCuePoints[i][2] = true; } } } } } public function get paused():Boolean { return pause; } } } /* import common.utils.Loggit; public class CustomClient { public var duration:Number; public var width:Number; public var height:Number; public var metaRec:Boolean; public var cuePoints:Array = new Array(); public function onPlayStatus(info:Object = null ):void { trace("onPlayStatus: code=complete" + "\n", "net" ); } public function onMetaData(info:Object):void { trace("metadata: duration=" + info.duration + " width=" + info.width + " height=" + info.height + " framerate=" + info.framerate + "\n", "net" ); // assign returned meta data duration = info.duration; width = info.width; height = info.height; this.metaRec = true; } public function onCuePoint(info:Object):void { trace("cuepoint: time=" + info.time + " name=" + info.name + " type=" + info.type + "\n", "net" ); cuePoints.push( [ info.time, info.name, info.type ] ); } } */