order/format of params in method definition

/ Published in: Ruby
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See also p. 348 ("Invoking a Method") of Pickaxe 2nd edition

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  1. def name(params, hash, *array, &proc );
  2. puts params.inspect, hash.inspect, array.inspect, proc.inspect
  3. end
  5. name(1, 2=>3, 4=>5, *[6,7,8]) {9} #disambiguate array
  6. puts
  7. name(1, {2=>3, 4=>5}, 6,7,8) {9} #disambiguate hash
  8. puts
  9. name(1, {2=>3, 4=>5}, 6,7,8, &lambda {9}) #called with lambda instead of block
  10. puts
  11. name(1, 2=>3, 4=>5, *[6,7,8], &Proc.new {9}) #or proc instead of block
  13. # 1
  14. # {2=>3, 4=>5}
  15. # [6, 7, 8]
  16. # #<Proc:...>

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