/ Published in: PHP

This will build over time, and first be finish when I have all ressources and are satisfied with our corporate rss feed.
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http://www.appnovation.com/drupal-theming-rss-feed-views http://laryn.kragtbakker.com/blog/drupal-views-cck-rss-theming http://drupal.org/node/550420 contemplate -> node-blog-rss.tpl.php <?php /* * Created on Apr 13, 2011 * * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates */ $blog = node_load($node->nid); global $base_url; ?> <div> <div id="image"> <?php global $base_url; print '<img src="' . $base_url . '/' . $node->field_blog_image[0]['filepath'] . '" alt="' . $blog->title . '" />'; ?> </div> <div id="text"> <?php print $blog->body; ?> </div> </div>