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Use jQuery get rss (with JavaScript) to get a blogs (or websites) display rss feed on your web page.
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var gfeedfetcher_loading_image="/images/page-images/loader.gif" //Full URL to "loading" image. No need to config after this line!! google.load("feeds", "1") //Load Google Ajax Feed API (version 1) function gfeedfetcher(divid, divClass, linktarget){ this.linktarget=linktarget || "" //link target of RSS entries this.feedlabels=[] //array holding lables for each RSS feed this.feedurls=[] this.feeds=[] //array holding combined RSS feeds' entries from Feed API (result.feed.entries) this.feedsfetched=0 //number of feeds fetched this.feedlimit=5 this.showoptions="" //Optional components of RSS entry to show (none by default) this.sortstring="date" //sort by "date" by default document.write('<div id="'+divid+'" class="'+divClass+'"></div>') //output div to contain RSS entries this.feedcontainer=document.getElementById(divid) this.itemcontainer="<li>" //default element wrapping around each RSS entry item } gfeedfetcher.prototype.addFeed=function(label, url){ this.feedlabels[this.feedlabels.length]=label this.feedurls[this.feedurls.length]=url } gfeedfetcher.prototype.filterfeed=function(feedlimit, sortstr){ this.feedlimit=feedlimit if (typeof sortstr!="undefined") this.sortstring=sortstr } gfeedfetcher.prototype.displayoptions=function(parts){ this.showoptions=parts //set RSS entry options to show ("date, datetime, time, snippet, label, description") } gfeedfetcher.prototype.setentrycontainer=function(containerstr){ //set element that should wrap around each RSS entry item this.itemcontainer="<"+containerstr.toLowerCase()+">" } gfeedfetcher.prototype.init=function(){ this.feedsfetched=0 //reset number of feeds fetched to 0 (in case init() is called more than once) this.feeds=[] //reset feeds[] array to empty (in case init() is called more than once) this.feedcontainer.innerHTML='<p><img class="textmiddle" src="'+gfeedfetcher_loading_image+'" /> Loading <a href="http://blogoola.com" title="Submit your blog">blog</a> feeds...</p>' var displayer=this for (var i=0; i<this.feedurls.length; i++){ //loop through the specified RSS feeds' URLs var feedpointer=new google.feeds.Feed(this.feedurls[i]) //create new instance of Google Ajax Feed API var items_to_show=(this.feedlimit<=this.feedurls.length)? 1 : Math.floor(this.feedlimit/this.feedurls.length) //Calculate # of entries to show for each RSS feed if (this.feedlimit%this.feedurls.length>0 && this.feedlimit>this.feedurls.length && i==this.feedurls.length-1) //If this is the last RSS feed, and feedlimit/feedurls.length yields a remainder items_to_show+=(this.feedlimit%this.feedurls.length) //Add that remainder to the number of entries to show for last RSS feed feedpointer.setNumEntries(items_to_show) //set number of items to display feedpointer.load(function(label){ return function(r){ displayer._fetch_data_as_array(r, label) } }(this.feedlabels[i])) //call Feed.load() to retrieve and output RSS feed. } } gfeedfetcher._formatdate=function(datestr, showoptions){ var itemdate=new Date(datestr) var parseddate=(showoptions.indexOf("datetime")!=-1)? itemdate.toLocaleString() : (showoptions.indexOf("date")!=-1)? itemdate.toLocaleDateString() : (showoptions.indexOf("time")!=-1)? itemdate.toLocaleTimeString() : "" return "<span class='datefield'>"+parseddate+"</span>" } gfeedfetcher._sortarray=function(arr, sortstr){ var sortstr=(sortstr=="label")? "ddlabel" : sortstr //change "label" string (if entered) to "ddlabel" instead, for internal use if (sortstr=="title" || sortstr=="ddlabel"){ //sort array by "title" or "ddlabel" property of RSS feed entries[] arr.sort(function(a,b){ var fielda=a[sortstr].toLowerCase() var fieldb=b[sortstr].toLowerCase() return (fielda<fieldb)? -1 : (fielda>fieldb)? 1 : 0 }) } else{ //else, sort by "publishedDate" property (using error handling, as "publishedDate" may not be a valid date str if an error has occured while getting feed try{ arr.sort(function(a,b){return new Date(b.publishedDate)-new Date(a.publishedDate)}) } catch(err){} } } gfeedfetcher.prototype._fetch_data_as_array=function(result, ddlabel){ var thisfeed=(!result.error)? result.feed.entries : "" //get all feed entries as a JSON array or "" if failed if (thisfeed==""){ //if error has occured fetching feed alert("Some blog posts could not be loaded: "+result.error.message) } for (var i=0; i<thisfeed.length; i++){ //For each entry within feed result.feed.entries[i].ddlabel=ddlabel //extend it with a "ddlabel" property } this.feeds=this.feeds.concat(thisfeed) //add entry to array holding all feed entries this._signaldownloadcomplete() //signal the retrieval of this feed as complete (and move on to next one if defined) } gfeedfetcher.prototype._signaldownloadcomplete=function(){ this.feedsfetched+=1 if (this.feedsfetched==this.feedurls.length) //if all feeds fetched this._displayresult(this.feeds) //display results } gfeedfetcher.prototype._displayresult=function(feeds){ var rssoutput=(this.itemcontainer=="<li>")? "<ul>\n" : "" gfeedfetcher._sortarray(feeds, this.sortstring) for (var i=0; i<feeds.length; i++){ var itemtitle="<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"" + feeds[i].link + "\" target=\"" + this.linktarget + "\" class=\"titlefield\">" + feeds[i].title + "</a>" var itemlabel=/label/i.test(this.showoptions)? '<span class="labelfield">['+this.feeds[i].ddlabel+']</span>' : " " var itemdate=gfeedfetcher._formatdate(feeds[i].publishedDate, this.showoptions) var itemdescription=/description/i.test(this.showoptions)? "<br />"+feeds[i].content : /snippet/i.test(this.showoptions)? "<br />"+feeds[i].contentSnippet : "" rssoutput+=this.itemcontainer + itemtitle + " " + itemlabel + " " + itemdate + "\n" + itemdescription + this.itemcontainer.replace("<", "</") + "\n\n" } rssoutput+=(this.itemcontainer=="<li>")? "</ul>" : "" this.feedcontainer.innerHTML=rssoutput }
URL: http://www.jquery4u.com/plugins/jquery-rss-feed-display-live/