/ Published in: PHP

probably confusing. it's my first class. not pretty but it works
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<?php /** * User class * * A class to login users via username and password, * facebook connect, or from a saved cookie. * This is my first ever class built as a start * to learning PHP OOP. Might not be "perfect" but * it works. * * To call the class in your files do the following * ************************************************************* * include("class.user.php"); * include("facebook.php") // need facebook PHP SDK Link below * // http://snipplr.com/view/50300/facebook-connect-script/ * // initiate the object * $UI = new user($fbid, $fbinfo); // logging someone in via form or facebook connect when they * CLICK login. Should be on a login page * * $_POST['username'] = INPUT VALUE FROM A LOGIN FORM * $_POST['password'] = INPUT VALUE FROM A LOGIN FORM * $fbid = FACEBOOK ID FROM FACEBOOK SCRIPT * $fbinfo = FACEBOOK INFO FROM FACEBOOK SCRIPT * (int)$_GET['liwfb'] = used on a "fake" facebook login button when we don't log a user out of facebook * $_POST'remember'] = form value for people that want a cookie set * * how to call the login method * most likely you'll have a session started (you should have session_start() first thing on every page * with logged in users) so cookie is set outside of the class * * $UI->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $fbid, $fbinfo, (int)$_GET['liwfb'], $remember); if($UI->_loggedIn) { if($_POST['remember']) { $cid = $UI->setCookie(); $redurl = "link to an external page for setting the cookie.php?cid=cid checked against the database } * ************************************************************* * @author Clint Chaney <[email protected]> * @copyright 2011 ONIT Industries * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt PHP License 3.01 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ class user { public $_loggedIn = false; // true or false if user is logged in public $_loggedInFB = false; // true or false if user used facebook to login private $_username; private $_password; private $_facebook_id; private $_facebook_login = false; /** * CONSTRUCT * * Aaccepts facebook id and info */ public function __construct($fbid='', $fbinfo='') { $this->_facebook_id = $fbid; $this->_facebook_info = $fbinfo; ($_COOKIE['usercook']) ? $this->login('','','','','','', $_COOKIE['usercook']) : ''; $this->_loggedIn = ($_SESSION['uinfo']) ? true : false; $this->_info = ($this->_loggedIn) ? $_SESSION['uinfo'] : ''; $this->_loggedInFB = $_SESSION['uinfo']['loggedInFB']; } /** * login mehod * * this should be called on a login page * as explained above. * */ public function login($username='', $password='', $facebook_id='', $facebook_info='', $liwfb=false, $remember = false, $cookie = false) { $this->_username = $username; $this->_password = $password; $this->_facebook_id = $facebook_id; $this->_facebook_info = $facebook_info; $this->_facebook_login = $liwfb; // check to see if there is a session already, if not execute a login if(!$_SESSION['uinfo']) { // if the user has a cookie verify and log them in with it if($cookie) { // check the database cookie information $check = $this->getDBInfo('cookie'); // if the check returns an active member if($check['mem_id'] && $check['mem_active']) { // register the session $this->sessionRegister($check); // make sure to let the script know were not using facebook $this->_loggedInFB = false; // do updates to the member database mysql_query("UPDATE members SET mem_last_active = '".time()."' WHERE mem_id = '".$check['mem_id']."' LIMIT 1"); } // if we have a facebook id and no username and password it's a facebook login } elseif($this->_facebook_id && !$this->_username && !$this->_password) { // check to see if user is already registered $check = $this->getDBInfo('facebook'); // if they are lets log them in if($check['mem_id']) { // if they haven't manually logged out or hit our fake login button if(($check['mem_manual_logout'] != 1 && $this->_facebook_id && !$this->_loggedIn) || $this->_facebook_login) { // setfacebook login to true $this->_loggedInFB = true; // register session $this->sessionRegister($check); // change manul logout to 0, gets reset on logout mysql_query("UPDATE members SET mem_manual_logout = '0' WHERE mem_id = '".$check['mem_id']."' LIMIT 1"); } // they are not a member yet? let's register them } else { // register facebook user into the database $this->registerFB(); // get info from the database, most importantly their new member id $check = $this->getDBInfo('facebook'); // set facebook login as true $this->_loggedInFB = true; // register our own sessioon for the user $this->sessionRegister($check); } // if they entered a username and password lets check it and log them in } elseif($this->_username && $this->_password) { // person is entering a username and password lets check it against the database $check = $this->getDBInfo('unp'); // if there is an id for the user let's set the session up if($check['mem_id'] && $check['mem_active']) { // set session variables $this->sessionRegister($check); // not logged in through facebook $this->_loggedInFB = false; // update lsst acivity date, probably might be a good idea to make a method for this. oh well mysql_query("UPDATE members SET mem_last_active = '".time()."' WHERE mem_id = '".$check['mem_id']."' LIMIT 1"); } else { // bad username and password, set error $this->_errors[] = "Invalid username and password."; } } // return the session info return $this->_info; // we already have a session. lets check the facebook info on it and return the session } else { $this->_loggedInFB = $_SESSION['uinfo']['loggedInFB']; return $_SESSION['uinfo']; } } /** * register a new facebook user * * either adds a new member or * checks for an existing member with same email * and updates it. * */ private function registerFB() { $fbinfo = $this->_facebook_info; // lets get location information from facebook. city and state // check database for zipcode information $zipinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM zip_code WHERE city = '".$city."' && state = '".$state."' LIMIT 1")); // see if email already exists $checku = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT mem_id FROM members WHERE mem_email = '".filter_var($fbinfo['email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL)."' LIMIT 1")); if(!$checku['mem_id']) { // facebok user not in the database, add them mem_real = '1', mem_ip = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', mem_firstname = '".$this->clean($fbinfo['first_name'])."', mem_lastname = '".$this->clean($fbinfo['last_name'])."', mem_city = '".$zipinfo['city']."', mem_state = '".$zipinfo['state']."', mem_zipcode = '".$zipinfo['zip_code']."', mem_lat = '".$zipinfo['lat']."', mem_lon = '".$zipinfo['lon']."', mem_gender = '".$this->clean($fbinfo['gender'])."', mem_timezone = '".$this->clean($fbinfo['timezone'])."', mem_oauth_provider = 'facebook', mem_oauth_uid = '".$this->_facebook_id."'"); } else { mem_firstname = '".$this->clean($fbinfo['first_name'])."', mem_lastname = '".$this->clean($fbinfo['last_name'])."', mem_city = '".$zipinfo['city']."', mem_state = '".$zipinfo['state']."', mem_zipcode = '".$zipinfo['zip_code']."', mem_lat = '".$zipinfo['lat']."', mem_lon = '".$zipinfo['lon']."', mem_oauth_provider = 'facebook', mem_oauth_uid = '".$this->_facebook_id."' WHERE mem_id = '".$checku['mem_id']."' LIMIT 1"); } } /** * generate a random cookie id * * generates a cookie id and ads it to the database */ { $cookie = $this->create_pcookie(50); mysql_query("UPDATE members SET mem_cookie_id = '".$cookie."' WHERE mem_id = '".$this->_info['id']."' LIMIT 1"); return $cookie; } /** * logout a user * * destroy cookie on a seoerate page without session_start * */ public function logout() { mysql_query("UPDATE members SET mem_manual_logout = '1' WHERE mem_id = '".$this->_info['id']."' LIMIT 1"); $this->_loggedIn = false; $this->_loggedInFB = false; } /** * register a session for a successful login * */ private function sessionRegister($memberArray) { 'id' => $memberArray['mem_id'], 'email' => $memberArray['mem_email'], 'username' => $memberArray['mem_nick'], 'active' => $memberArray['mem_active'], 'level' => $memberArray['mem_level'], 'facebook_id' => $memberArray['mem_oauth_uid'], 'loggedInFB' => $this->_loggedInFB ); $this->_loggedIn = true; } /** * checks for different login methods * */ public function getDBInfo($method) { if($method == 'facebook') { return mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE mem_oauth_provider = 'facebook' && mem_oauth_uid = '".$this->_facebook_id."' LIMIT 1")); } elseif($method == 'unp') { $cleanUsername = $this->clean($this->_username); return mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE mem_nick = '".$cleanUsername."' && mem_password = '".$cleanPassword."' LIMIT 1")); } elseif($method == 'email') { $cleanUsername = $this->clean($this->_username); return mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE mem_nick = '".$cleanUsername."' && mem_password = '".$cleanPassword."' LIMIT 1")); } elseif($method == 'cookie') { // cookie string has user_id| added to the beginning of it so split it up $cmem = (int)$cookieArr[0]; $ccid = $cookieArr[1]; return mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE mem_id = '".$cmem."' && mem_cookie_id = '".$this->clean($ccid)."' LIMIT 1")); } else { return false; } } /** * * * method to clean information for the database * * */ private function clean($textToClean) { } /** * display erros if requested **/ public function showErrors() { { print ($this->_errors[$i].'<br />'); } } /** * get a users information **/ public function getInfo($id) { return $info; } /** * method for member only psages */ public function requireLogin() { if(!$this->_info['id']) { echo '<div class="fullWidth">'. '<h1>You must be logged in to view this page</h1><hr />'; include('includes/forms/login.php'); echo '<div class="clear"></div>'. '</div>'; } } // random cookie generator function create_cookie($length=8) { #creates random 8-char alphanumeric password $length=$length; return $passwd; } } ?>