.htaccess - allow access only from certain IP's and IP ranges

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See here for Amazon EC2 range

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. order deny,allow
  3. deny from all
  5. allow from
  8. #These are the Amazon EC2 server IP's. Sort of.
  9. allow from 216.182.
  10. allow from 72.44.
  11. allow from 67.202.
  12. allow from 75.101.
  13. allow from 174.129.
  14. allow from 204.236.
  15. allow from 184.73.
  16. allow from 184.72.
  17. allow from 184.72.
  18. allow from 50.16.
  19. allow from 50.17.
  20. allow from 216.236.
  21. allow from 184.72.
  22. allow from 50.18.
  23. allow from 79.125.
  24. allow from 46.51.
  25. allow from 46.51.
  26. allow from 46.137.
  27. allow from 175.41.
  28. allow from 122.248.

URL: http://zoocha.com/what-we-do/development/

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