/ Published in: PHP

This function build page navigation links.\r\nParameters legend:\r\n- $items = total number of rows to be paginated\r\n- $perpage = how many rows to be displayed on a page\r\n- $maxlinks - how much page links to be build and shown for navigation ( < 1 2 3 4 5 > )
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function paginator($items, $perpage = 10, $maxlinks = 10) { $delitel = $maxlinks; $page = $_GET['page']; } else { $page = 1; } if($items != 0 && $page >= 1 && $page <= $totalpages) { if($totalpages > 0 && $totalpages <= $maxlinks) { $maxlinks = $totalpages; $c = 1; } else { $c = $page; $max = $totalpages - $min; if(($page > $min) && ($page < $max)) { $c = $page - $min; } elseif($page > $min && $page >= $max) { $c = $max; } else { $c = 1; } } $link = ''; $link .= $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; } $link .= '?'; foreach($_GET as $g => $v) { if($g != 'page') { $link .= $g.'='.$v.'&'; } } $out = ''; if($totalpages != 1 && $page != 1) { $out .= "<a class=\"page\" href=\"".$link."page=1\"><span>First page</span></a>"; } if($page != 1) { $out .= "<a class=\"page\" href=\"".$link."page=".($page - 1)."\"><span>«</span></a>"; } for($i=1; $i <= $maxlinks; $i++) { if($c <= $totalpages && $totalpages != 1) { if($c == $page) { $out .= "<a class=\"current\" href=\"".$link."page=".$c."\"><span>".$c."</span></a>"; } else { $out .= "<a class=\"page\" href=\"".$link."page=".$c."\"><span>".$c."</span></a>"; } $c++; } } if($totalpages == 1) { $out .= '<a href="#" class="current"><span>Page 1 of 1</span></a> '; } if($page != $totalpages && $page < $totalpages) { $out .= "<a class=\"page\" href=\"".$link."page=".($page + 1)."\"><span>»</span></a> "; } if($totalpages != 1 && $page != $totalpages) { $out .= "<a class=\"page\" href=\"".$link."page=".$totalpages."\"><span>Last page</span></a>"; } } return $out; }