/ Published in: PHP

When creating a custom Google Map, the latitude and longitude for the place of interest are needed. Enter in the Address, City, and State, and the lat and lng pair will be returned.
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<?php function getLatandLong($addr,$city,$state) { global $lat; global $lng; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load("http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=".$addr.",+".$city.",+".$state."&sensor=false"); //input address //traverse the nodes to get to latitude and longitude $results = $doc->getElementsByTagName("result"); $results = $results->item(0); $results = $results->getElementsByTagName("geometry"); $results = $results->item(0); $results = $results->getElementsByTagName("location"); foreach($results as $result) { $lats = $result->getElementsByTagName("lat"); $lat = $lats->item(0)->nodeValue; $lngs = $result->getElementsByTagName("lng"); $lng = $lngs->item(0)->nodeValue; } } ?>