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Downloads the latest backup of the Unofficial RPS Minecraft server and generates a map using Cartograph. You will need to modify MAP DIRECTORY and APP PATH to point to the relevant places on your machine.
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from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import subprocess import urllib2 import time import re import tarfile from PIL import Image # Note: don't put trailing slashes on any filepaths or URLs # Where all the files and maps are saved MAP_DIRECTORY = "C:/Cartograph" # The filepath to Cartograph APP_PATH = "F:/Programs/Minecraft/Alpha/Cartograph" APP_NAME = "Cartograph.exe" # The arguments to pass to Cartograph. Check the Cartograph help for more info APP_ARGUMENTS_1 = "normal 0 0 0 0" APP_ARGUMENTS_2 = "obliqueangle 0 0 0 0 0" # The map name(s) MAP_NAME_1 = "top_down" MAP_NAME_2 = "oblique_angled" # Delete the archive after extracting? DELETE_ARCHIVE = True # Where the backups are downloaded from. Leave this as it is BASEURL = "http://rps.fragwith.us/backups" _CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 8 _MB = 1024 * 1024 def main(): curTime = time.time() print("Finding most recent backup...") for i in range(-1, 5): date = _subtractDays(curTime, i) try: html = urllib2.urlopen(BASEURL + '/' + date + '/') except urllib2.HTTPError: continue archivename = re.findall('<a href="world\..*\.tar\.gz">', html.read())[-1].split('"')[1] print("Most recent backup is {0}.".format(archivename)) datetimestring = archivename.split('.')[1] datetime = time.strptime(datetimestring, '%d-%m-%Y_%H%M%S') filepath = "{0}/{1}/".format(MAP_DIRECTORY, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', datetime)) if not os.path.exists(filepath): os.mkdir(filepath) print("Downloading {0} to {1}".format(archivename, filepath)) startTime = time.time() download(BASEURL + '/' + date + '/' + archivename, filepath + archivename) print("Downloaded in {0}.".format(_timeTaken(startTime, time.time()))) print("Extracting contents from archive...") startTime = time.time() extract(filepath, archivename) print("Extracted in {0}.".format(_timeTaken(startTime, time.time()))) if DELETE_ARCHIVE: print("Deleting archive...") os.remove(filepath + archivename) print("Archive deleted.") map(filepath) break def download(url, filepath): bytesSoFar = 0 percent = -1 partfile = filepath + '.part' opener = urllib2.build_opener() response = opener.open(url) totalSize = response.info().getheader("Content-Length") if totalSize is not None: totalSize = int(totalSize.strip()) if not os.path.exists(filepath): fp = open(partfile, 'wb') chunk = True while chunk: chunk = response.read(_CHUNK_SIZE) bytesSoFar += len(chunk) fp.write(chunk) percent = _percentageDone(bytesSoFar, totalSize, percent) print("") fp.close() response.close() os.rename(partfile, filepath) else: print("{0} already exists".format(filepath)) def extract(filepath, filename): tar = tarfile.open(filepath + filename, 'r') tar.extractall(filepath) def map(path): os.chdir(APP_PATH) inputPath = path + "world" print("Generating map 1...") outputPath = path + MAP_NAME_1 + ".png" startTime = time.time() app = subprocess.Popen('{0} 6 {1} "{2}" "{3}"'.format(APP_NAME, APP_ARGUMENTS_1, outputPath, inputPath)) app.wait() print("Map generated in {0}.".format(_timeTaken(startTime, time.time()))) print("Map 1 generated.") # Rotate the image so that north is actually north. Obviously this won't # work on oblique maps. print("Rotating...") _rotateImage(outputPath) print("Map 1 finished.") # Map 2 generation commented out because oblique mode crashes on my system # for very large maps. YMMV. # print("Generating map 2...") # outputPath = path + '/' + MAP_NAME_2 + ".png" # app = subprocess.Popen('{0} 6 {1} "{2}" "{3}"'.format(APP_NAME, # APP_ARGUMENTS_2, outputPath, inputPath)) # app.wait() # print("Map 2 generated.") # print("Map 2 finished.") def _rotateImage(file): im = Image.open(file) im = im.rotate(-90) im.save(file) def _percentageDone(bytesSoFar, totalSize, curPercent): if totalSize == 0 or totalSize is None: return -1 percent = (bytesSoFar / totalSize) * 100 if int(percent) > int(curPercent): print("\n {0:3}% downloaded ({1:6.2f}MB of {2:6.2f}MB)".format( int(percent), bytesSoFar/_MB, totalSize/_MB), end='') if int(percent * 10) > int(curPercent * 10) and int(percent) < 100: print('.', end='') return percent def _subtractDays(t, n): t -= (n * 86400) date = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y", time.localtime(t)) return date def _timeTaken(start, finish): timeTaken = int(finish - start) numHours = timeTaken // 3600 timeTaken %= 3600 numMins = timeTaken // 60 timeTaken %= 60 numSecs = timeTaken ret = "" if numHours == 1: ret += "{0} hour, ".format(numHours) elif numHours > 1: ret += "{0} hours, ".format(numHours) if numMins == 1: ret += "{0} minute and ".format(numMins) elif numMins > 1 or numHours > 0: ret += "{0} minutes and ".format(numMins) if numSecs == 1: ret += "{0} second".format(numSecs) else: ret += "{0} seconds".format(numSecs) return ret if __name__ == "__main__": main()