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#!/bin/sh # Start clean! if [ -f /tmp/emailTMP ]; then rm -rf /tmp/emailTMP fi if [ -f /tmp/procTMP ]; then rm -rf /tmp/procTMP fi if [ -f /tmp/sendmailTMP ]; then rm -rf /tmp/sendmailTMP fi # Init variables eMail="[email protected]" serverLoadLog=/var/log/custom/serverLoad.log procTMP="/tmp/procTMP" memLimit=50 memWarning=25 memTripped=FALSE cpuLimit=99 cpuWarning=50 cpuTripped=FALSE emailReport() { if [ -f /tmp/emailTMP ]; then echo "Subject: cshaiku.com Server Load Status" > /tmp/sendmailTMP cat /tmp/emailTMP >> /tmp/sendmailTMP printf "\n$emailDate" >> /tmp/sendmailTMP echo "--[`date`]--" >> $serverLoadLog cat /tmp/sendmailTMP >> $serverLoadLog /usr/sbin/sendmail -v "$to" < /tmp/sendmailTMP > /dev/null fi } checkMemoryUsage() { printf "\n+----------+--------------+------+======+----------------------------------+" >> $serverLoadLog printf "\n| PID | User | CPU | MEM | Command |" >> $serverLoadLog printf "\n+----------+--------------+------+======+----------------------------------|" >> $serverLoadLog ps -eo pmem,pcpu,user,pid,comm | sort -rn | head -10 > $procTMP while read pmem pcpu user pid command do declare -i pmemINT=`echo $pmem | awk '{printf "%.0f",$1}'` if [ $pmemINT -gt $memLimit ]; then set memTripped=TRUE kill $pid printf "\n\nKilled pid $pid\t\tuser: $user\tcpu: $pcpu\tmem: $pmem\tCommand: $command\n" >> $serverLoadLog printf "\n\nKilled pid $pid\t\tuser: $user\tcpu: $pcpu\tmem: $pmem\tCommand: $command\n" >> /tmp/emailTMP elif [ $pmemINT -gt $memWarning ]; then set memTripped=TRUE printf "\n\npid $pid\t\tuser: $user\tcpu: $pcpu\tmem: $pmem\tommand: $command\n" >> $serverLoadLog printf "\n\npid $pid\t\tuser: $user\tcpu: $pcpu\tmem: $pmem\tommand: $command\n" >> /tmp/emailTMP else if [ $pid != "PID" ]; then printf " |%9s | %12s | %4s | %4s | %32s |" $pid $user $pcpu $pmem $command >> $serverLoadLog fi fi done < $procTMP if [ $memTripped = TRUE ]; then printf "\nThe following commands have surpassed the Memory Usage threshold (%s)." "$memWarning%" >> /tmp/emailTMP fi } checkCPUUsage() { printf "\n+----------+--------------+======+------+----------------------------------+" >> $serverLoadLog printf "\n| PID | User | CPU | MEM | Command |" >> $serverLoadLog printf "\n+----------+--------------+======+------+----------------------------------|" >> $serverLoadLog ps -eo pcpu,pmem,user,pid,comm | sort -rn | head -10 > $procTMP while read pcpu pmem user pid command do declare -i pcpuINT=`echo $pcpu | awk '{printf "%.0f",$1}'` if [ "$pcpuINT" -gt "$cpuLimit" ]; then set cpuTripped=TRUE kill $pid printf "\n\nKilled pid $pid !\t\tuser: $user\tcpu: $pcpu\tmem: $pmem\tCommand: $command\n" >> $serverLoadLog printf "\n\nKilled pid $pid !\t\tuser: $user\tcpu: $pcpu\tmem: $pmem\tCommand: $command\n" >> /tmp/emailTMP elif [ "$pcpuINT" -gt "$cpuWarning" ]; then set cpuTripped=TRUE printf "\n\npid: $pid\tuser: $user\tcpu: $pcpu\tmem: $pmem\tCommand: $command\n" >> $serverLoadLog printf "\n\npid: $pid\tuser: $user\tcpu: $pcpu\tmem: $pmem\tCommand: $command\n" >> /tmp/emailTMP else if [ $pid != "PID" ]; then printf " |%9s | %12s | %4s | %4s | %32s |" $pid $user $pcpu $pmem $command >> $serverLoadLog fi fi done < $procTMP if [ $cpuTripped = TRUE ]; then printf "\nThe following commands have surpassed the CPU Usage threshold (%s)." "$cpuWarning%" >> /tmp/emailTMP fi } # Main Loop checkCPUUsage checkMemoryUsage emailReport # End Clean! rm -rf /tmp/emailTMP rm -rf /tmp/sendmailTMP rm -rf /tmp/procTMP
URL: http://code.cshaiku.com/code_server_load_emailer.php