Convert Between Simple Tone Input and Pinyin in Rails model

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This lets you type Mandarin tones like a1, o2, e3, and so on instead of having to type the real pinyin. The tones are saved with the proper characters in the database.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. class Word < ActiveRecord::Base
  2. before_save :replace_pinyin
  4. @@replacements = {
  5. 'a1' => 'ā',
  6. 'e1' => 'Ä“',
  7. 'i1' => 'Ä«',
  8. 'o1' => 'ō',
  9. 'u1' => 'Å«',
  10. 'a2' => 'á',
  11. 'e2' => 'é',
  12. 'i2' => 'í',
  13. 'o2' => 'ó',
  14. 'u2' => 'ú',
  15. 'a3' => 'ÇŽ',
  16. 'e3' => 'Ä›',
  17. 'i3' => 'ǐ',
  18. 'o3' => 'Ç’',
  19. 'u3' => 'Ç”',
  20. 'a4' => 'à',
  21. 'e4' => 'è',
  22. 'i4' => 'ì',
  23. 'o4' => 'ò',
  24. 'u4' => 'ù',
  25. }
  27. def replace_pinyin
  28. @@replacements.each do |key, value|
  29. self.pinyin.gsub!(key, value)
  30. end
  31. end
  32. end


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