special characters in html

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  1. While many similar lists are available on the Web (run your favorite search engine using "ISO Latin" or "HTML Entities"), none I've seen account for the standard character sets of different operating systems (e.g. Windows vs. DOS vs. Macintosh, etc.); this list should produce the same results on all platforms.
  2. Punctuation HTML Entity
  3. (case sensitive) ISO Latin-1 code name or meaning
  4. – – – en dash
  5. — — — em dash
  6. ¡ ¡ ¡ inverted exclamation
  7. ¿ ¿ ¿ inverted question mark
  8. " " " quotation mark
  9. “ “ “ left double curly quote
  10. ” ” ” right double curly quote
  11. ‘ ‘ ‘ left single curly quote
  12. ’ ’ ’ right single curly quote
  13. « » « » « » guillemets (European-style quotation marks)
  15. (Its there, but you can't see it!)     non-breaking space
  16. Symbols
  17. & & & ampersand
  18. ¢ ¢ ¢ cent
  19. © © © copyright
  20. ÷ ÷ ÷ divide
  21. > > > greater than
  22. < &lt; &#60; less than
  23. µ &micro; &#181; micron
  24. · &middot; &#183; middle dot
  25. ¶ &para; &#182; pilcrow (paragraph sign)
  26. ± &plusmn; &#177; plus/minus
  27. € &euro; &#8364; Euro
  28. £ &pound; &#163; British Pound Sterling
  29. ® &reg; &#174; registered
  30. § &sect; &#167; section
  31. â„¢ &trade; &#153; trademark
  32. ¥ &yen; &#165; Japanese Yen
  33. Diacritics
  34. á Á &aacute; &Aacute; &#225; &#193; lower-case "a" with acute accent upper-case "A" with acute accent
  35. à À &agrave; &Agrave; &#224; &#192; lower-case "a" with grave accent upper-case "A" with grave accent
  36. â Â &acirc; &Acirc; &#226; &#194; lower-case "a" with circumflex upper-case "A" with circumflex
  37. å Å &aring; &Aring; &#229; &#197; lower-case "a" with ring upper-case "A" with ring
  38. ã Ã &atilde; &Atilde; &#227; &#195; lower-case "a" with tilde upper-case "A" with tilde
  39. ä Ä &auml; &Auml; &#228; &#196; lower-case "a" with diaeresis/umlaut upper-case "A" with diaeresis/umlaut
  40. æ Æ &aelig; &AElig; &#230; &#198; lower-case "ae" ligature upper-case "AE" ligature
  41. ç Ç &ccedil; &Ccedil; &#231; &#199; lower-case "c" with cedilla upper-case "C" with cedilla
  42. é É &eacute; &Eacute; &#233; &#201; lower-case "e" with acute accent upper-case "E" with acute accent
  43. è È &egrave; &Egrave; &#232; &#200; lower-case "e" with grave accent upper-case "E" with grave accent
  44. ê Ê &ecirc; &Ecirc; &#234; &#202; lower-case "e" with circumflex upper-case "E" with circumflex
  45. ë Ë &euml; &Euml; &#235; &#203; lower-case "e" with diaeresis/umlaut upper-case "E" with diaeresis/umlaut
  46. í Í &iacute; &Iacute; &#237; &#205; lower-case "i" with acute accent upper-case "I" with acute accent
  47. ì Ì &igrave; &Igrave; &#236; &#204; lower-case "i" with grave accent upper-case "I" with grave accent
  48. î Î &icirc; &Icirc; &#238; &#206; lower-case "i" with circumflex upper-case "I" with circumflex
  49. ï Ï &iuml; &Iuml; &#239; &#207; lower-case "i" with diaeresis/umlaut upper-case "I" with diaeresis/umlaut
  50. ñ Ñ &ntilde; &Ntilde; &#241; &#209; lower-case "n" with tilde upper-case "N" with tilde
  51. ó Ó &oacute; &Oacute; &#243; &#211; lower-case "o" with acute accent upper-case "O" with acute accent
  52. ò Ò &ograve; &Ograve; &#242; &#210; lower-case "o" with grave accent upper-case "O" with grave accent
  53. ô Ô &ocirc; &Ocirc; &#244; &#212; lower-case "o" with circumflex upper-case "O" with circumflex
  54. ø Ø &oslash; &Oslash; &#248; &#216; lower-case "o" with slash upper-case "O" with slash
  55. õ Õ &otilde; &Otilde; &#245; &#213; lower-case "o" with tilde upper-case "O" with tilde
  56. ö Ö &ouml; &Ouml; &#246; &#214; lower-case "o" with diaeresis/umlaut upper-case "O" with diaeresis/umlaut
  57. ß &szlig; &#223; ess-tsett
  58. ú Ú &uacute; &Uacute; &#250; &#218; lower-case "u" with acute accent upper-case "U" with acute accent
  59. ù Ù &ugrave; &Ugrave; &#249; &#217; lower-case "u" with grave accent upper-case "U" with grave accent
  60. û Û &ucirc; &Ucirc; &#251; &#219; lower-case "u" with circumflex upper-case "U" with circumflex
  61. ü Ü &uuml; &Uuml; &#252; &#220; lower-case "u" with diaeresis/umlaut upper-case "U" with diaeresis/umlaut
  62. ÿ &yuml; &#255; lower-case "y" with diaeresis/umlaut
  63. ´ ` &#180; &#96; acute accent with no letter grave accent/reversed apostrophe with no letter
  65. Notes:
  67. 1.
  69. The &quot; entity was mistakenly omitted from the HTML 3.2 specification. While use of &quot; generates error reports when validating against 3.2, browsers have continued to recognize the entity and its use is generally safe (sticklers may wish to use &#34; instead). The omission has been corrected in the HTML 4.0 specification.
  70. 2.
  72. The non-breaking space (&nbsp; or &#160;) can be used not only to prevent the separation of words by line wraps, but also to force a space equal in size to a keyboard/spacebar space (useful for indentation or wider word separation) or to "hold" space in the empty cell of a table (as in the table above).
  73. 3.
  75. The middle dot (&middot; or &#183;) can be used as a bullet and embedded anywhere in text. Because it is equal in size to a period, however, it may be necessary to apply <B> </B> or tags to enhance its graphic effect (use of <FONT SIZE="x"> </FONT> or <BIG> </BIG> elements is not recommended, as these will alter the character's vertical spacing relative to other characters in the same line).

URL: http://www.utexas.edu/learn/html/spchar.html

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