/ Published in: XHTML

You can use this as a starting point when integrating XStandard in your CMS.
There are 3 licensing options for XStandard: free Lite Version, Open Source CMS Partner License & Pro Version. (btw: XStandard produces 100% valid markup against XHTML 1.1 Specification)
There are 3 licensing options for XStandard: free Lite Version, Open Source CMS Partner License & Pro Version. (btw: XStandard produces 100% valid markup against XHTML 1.1 Specification)
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
<object type="application/x-xstandard" id="editor1" width="100%" height="400"> <!-- alternatively, you can use <object classid="clsid:0EED7206-1661-11D7-84A3-00606744831D" ... for auto installation in IE --> <param name="CSS" value="" /><!-- uri or css --> <param name="EditorCSS" value="" /><!-- uri or css --> <param name="EnableTimestamp" value="false" /><!-- true or false --> <param name="EnablePasteMarkup" value="true" /><!-- true or false --> <param name="Dir" value="ltr" /><!-- rtl or ltr --> <param name="Styles" value="" /><!-- uri or xml. Each style contains instructions for generating markup. --> <param name="ShowStyles" value="" /> <param name="ShowToolbar" value="" /> <param name="ExpandWidth" value="" /> <param name="ExpandHeight" value="" /> <param name="ExpandToolbarWysiwyg" value="" /> <param name="ExpandToolbarSource" value="" /> <param name="ExpandToolbarPreview" value="" /> <param name="ExpandToolbarScreenReader" value="" /> <param name="ExpandShowStyles" value="" /> <param name="ExpandShowToolbar" value="" /> <param name="CustomInlineElements" value="" /> <param name="CustomBlockElements" value="" /> <param name="CustomEmptyElements" value="" /> <param name="Rel" value="" /> <param name="Rev" value="" /> <param name="Options" value="" /> <!-- Options is a bit mask. the value must be a single value (but can be a sum) of the following: 1 Display hard returns. 2 Automatically fix errors when "dirty" code is loaded into the editor. 4 Disable context menus (pop-up menus when the right mouse button is clicked). 8 Wrap text in View Source. 16 Hide line numbers in View Source. 32 Disable object resizing by dragging (using image "handles" for example). 64 Treat uploading images as decorative. 128 Reserved for future use. 256 Convert extra spaces into hard-spaces. 512 Hide advanced editing features (Advanced and Custom tabs as well as certain fields in Properties dialog boxes). 1024 Use SOAP 1.2 2048 Treat <div> as as structure element. By default, <div> is used as a grouping element. 4096 Disable Directory button when content is selected. 8192 Disable "Fix" option when invalid markup is entered into View Source and user switches to WYSIWYG view. 16384 Automatically remove undefined custom elements. To define custom elements, use CustomInlineElements and CustomBlockElements properties. 32768 Paste images as alternate text when file upload is unavailable/disabled. 65536 Strict mode when pasting from applications like Word. Removes attributes like id, align and valign. 131072 Display the "Class" field on the General tab of the Properties dialog box in the simplified interface (when Options 512 is set). The only exception to this is in the Image properties dialog box when there is a value in ClassImageFloatLeft / ClassImageFloatRight properties. 262144 Display the "ID" field on the General tab of the Properties dialog box in the simplified interface (when Options 512 is set). --> <param name="DocumentID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers accessible via php with $_SERVER["HTTP_X_DOCUMENT_ID"] --> <param name="UserID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="SessionID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="TransactionID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="ClientID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="InstanceID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="TagID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="ZoneID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="ProjectID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="AreaID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="GroupID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="ParentID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="ContainerID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="ObjectID" value="" /><!-- additional HTTP headers --> <param name="Cookie" value="" /> <param name="EnableCache" value="" /> <param name="HeartbeatURL" value="" /><!-- keep sessions alive --> <param name="HeartbeatInterval" value="" /><!-- keep sessions alive --> <param name="Namespaces" value="" /><!-- add namespaces --> <param name="Mode" value="" /><!-- wysiwyg or source or preview or screen-reader. --> <param name="ClassImageFloatLeft" value="" /><!-- eg: left or align_left etc. --> <param name="ClassImageFloatRight" value="" /> <param name="ScriptNewWindow" value="" /> <param name="CMSCode" value="065126D6-357D-46FC-AF74-A1F5B2D5036E" /><!-- example GUID: Joomla Open Source CMS license key --> <param name="EscapeUnicode" value="false" /><!-- if set to true, non ascii chars will be escaped --> <!-- premade serverside scripts (PHP and ASP available) to manage files, images, products, staff, etc. amazing feature! --> <param name="ImageLibraryURL" value="http://soap.xstandard.com/imagelibrary.aspx"/> <param name="AttachmentLibraryURL" value="http://soap.xstandard.com/attachmentlibrary.aspx"/> <param name="SpellCheckerURL" value="http://soap.xstandard.com/spellchecker.aspx" /> <param name="SpellCheckerLangFilter" value="" /> <param name="SpellCheckerLang" value="en-us" /> <param name="DirectoryURL" value="http://soap.xstandard.com/directory.aspx" /> <param name="SubdocumentURL" value="http://soap.xstandard.com/subdocument.aspx" /> <param name="CustomInlineElements" value="" /> <param name="CustomBlockElements" value="include" /> <param name="CustomEmptyElements" value="include" /> <param name="Toolbar" value="" /> <param name="ShowStyles" value="yes" /> <param name="ShowToolbar" value="yes" /> <param name="IndentOutput" value="yes"/> <param name="Debug" value="no"/> <param name="BackgroundColor" value="#FFFFFF" /> <param name="BorderColor" value="#CCCCCC" /> <param name="Base" value="http://localhost/" /> <param name="Value" value=""/><!-- xhtml post/page content --> <param name="Localization" value=""/><!-- uri or xml --> <param name="PreviewXSLT" value=""/><!-- uri or xsl --> <param name="ScreenReaderXSLT" value=""/><!-- uri or xsl --> <param name="Buttons" value=""/><!-- uri or xml --> <param name="Icons" value=""/><!-- uri or xml --> <param name="Placeholders" value=""/><!-- placeholders.xml icon for placeholders --> <param name="ToolbarWysiwyg" value=""/> <param name="ToolbarSource" value=""/> <param name="ToolbarPreview" value=""/> <param name="ToolbarScreenReader" value=""/> <param name="ToolbarEffect" value="linear-gradient"/> <param name="Lang" value="en"/><!-- language --> <param name="LatestVersion" value=""/><!-- version available online --> <param name="Version" value=""/><!-- version currently in use --> <param name="License" value="http://localhost/license.txt" /><!-- uri of license file. turns lite or cms version into pro --> <param name="ProxySetting" value=""/> <!-- auto-detect, direct or manual (next 4 vals) --> <param name="ProxyServer" value=""/> <param name="ProxyPort" value=""/> <param name="ProxyUser" value=""/> <param name="ProxyPassword" value=""/> </object>