
Member since 10/01/2008

Location: Belfast, United Kingdom

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kouphax's Recent SnippetsTagged javascript

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Extracts a string paremeter from the url query string. Basic operation wont handle multiples such as radio buttons etc. Just gets the first instance of the name and returns it's value.
1 743 posted 15 years ago by kouphax
Simple function for turning RETURN key presses into TAB key presses. Focuses input element next in the DOM (usually makes sense), unless we are at the end of the form, at which point it focuses the first element in the form for cyclical purposes.
2 2977 posted 15 years ago by kouphax
Escape all special regex characters (.*+?|()[]{}\) from a string. Useful when dynamically building a Regular Expression object based on input text that could hold regex characters.
2 1291 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
This code, when placed at the end of the body tag will set focus on the first visible enabled element on the screen. It considers visibility as well as all forms on-screen
0 754 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
Based on my Annotations plugin this plugin offers the ability to use Mask annotations to apply input masks over input elements on a page. Very much BETA. See comments for use. <!--@Mask("##/##/####")-->
0 876 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
Constraints plugin (requires annotation plugin). This is the second draft version that has been severly refactoed both internally and externally.
0 837 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
The annotaion framework provides access to client side comment based DOM annotations. The framework does not imply any specific usage and is essentially useless on it's own. It merely provides another way to offer metadata for elements. An annota...
1 1923 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
remove(array) --> array Array.remove(a) simply removes all the items in the passed in array from the current scope array. Good for bulk operations.
0 835 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
jQuery Plugin for returning selected DOM Nodes in DOM order. e.g. $('img.L,img.Y') will not be guaranteed DOM order (usually all the L's then all the Y's). Currently only works with IE and FF (that's all I needed).
1 927 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
The only function the Tag Cloud singleton exposes it the process() function which take 3 arguments. 1. Cloud Data - Required. Needs to have a display value property and a count property. The actual property names are configurable but by default...
0 808 posted 16 years ago by kouphax
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