
Member since 04/17/2009

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Foromat {timestamp} as a "x x ago" date/time.
0 864 posted 12 years ago by jonathanpglick
It's not immediately clear from the `context_set()` function how to trigger a context to be "active" using code. Do it like this:
0 752 posted 13 years ago by jonathanpglick
This override function for the default Drupal.toggleFieldset function adds code that looks for instances of TinyMCE inside the fieldset and triggers the autoresize on them when the fieldset is opened. Otherwise TinyMCE renders with a weird height.
0 741 posted 13 years ago by jonathanpglick
Render the contents for a single node field.
0 616 posted 13 years ago by jonathanpglick
If you're importing nodes from a file and have pathauto setup, the existing paths for the nodes will be rewritten with pathauto. To avoid this, simply add the following to the node export array for each node:
0 701 posted 14 years ago by jonathanpglick
The total number of search results can be added in a hook_preprocess_search_results() function from the following variable:
0 832 posted 14 years ago by jonathanpglick
Drupal 6 Do this after $view->execute() has already been called
0 763 posted 14 years ago by jonathanpglick
This example triggers the admin theme when on any of the user/* pages (login, edit, etc.). Put the name of your admin theme in {admin-theme-name} so there's a safe fallback in case variable_get doesn't find the admin_theme.
0 734 posted 14 years ago by jonathanpglick
If `views_embed_view()` or just `$view->execute()` are called, the default view settings are used (only shows 10 entries, etc.) so we have to call `$view->set_display()` & `$view->pre_execute()`.
0 550 posted 15 years ago by jonathanpglick
This function goes in the {module\_name}.views\ file
0 620 posted 15 years ago by jonathanpglick
This will trigger views to load the views in the file {module\_name}.views\
0 573 posted 15 years ago by jonathanpglick
1 968 posted 15 years ago by jonathanpglick
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