
Member since 01/25/2010

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espinallab's Recent SnippetsTagged iphone

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This is how you play and stop sound effects in cocos2d
0 822 posted 13 years ago by espinallab
Here is how to determine the device type.\r\n\r\nHow to use it.\r\n\r\nUIDeviceHardware *h=[[UIDeviceHardware alloc] init];\r\n[self setDeviceModel:[h platformString]]; \r\n[h release];
3 1215 posted 13 years ago by espinallab
Add the following framework "AddressBook.framework" to your project Make sure to import these header files. #import "AddressBook/ABAddressBook.h" #import "AddressBook/ABPerson.h" #import "AddressBook/ABMultiValue.h"
3 960 posted 14 years ago by espinallab
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